Chapter 17

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Caspian's irritation has only grown since they left breakfast a short while ago. The king's plans to visit the village to greet and spend time with his people was first on their list. Princess Lena was beaming believing they would traveling by carriage so she may have time with Caspian... She was utterly wrong. Due to Vatalanie's disdain for the contraption, Caspian decided to travel by horse so Vatalanie may accompany him. The king thought it may be a good idea for them all to travel by horse back much to Lena's horror. 

Lena has been complain thus far heading towards the village. Her own adviser attempting to ignore her as she continues. 

"Oh Caspian, why on earth couldn't your... pet stay at the castle?"

Vatalanie is quick to snarl out hearing the painted dolls comment in regards to her. He now understands that she comprehends everything that is said. Caspian smirks down at the wolf before turning to Lena. She continues to try fixing her hair that is falling out of it's up-do as she is jostled around riding on the back of the horse. 

"Princess, she is not my pet. She is my companion. Please watch how you address her... She doesn't take likely to the tone." 

Lena grits her teeth to stop her mouth from letting the on slaughter of comments come tumbling out.  She looks down at the she wolf who has went back to looking forward wondering how on earth she is going to make any hedge way with the vulgar creature staying so near to her prize. As if the wolf can feel her stare, the wolf whips it's head looking directly at the princess who gulps under the narrow gaze. 

She turns back front as a young cloaked figure begins walking on the side of the path. For once she is shocked to see the she wolf has removed itself from the prince. She takes the opportunity to steer her horse adjacent to his. 

Caspian doesn't even notice as Lena attempts to mold herself to his side. His eyes glued on the hidden figure as Vatalanie greets him. He then recognizes the familiar cloak. Clicking his heels against the horse to have him trot up to Vatalanie. 

The king stays back with two of his guards watching carefully over his son. He holds his hand up to stop the guards from interfering with the prince. Lena looks to the king seeing his inquisitive stare before turning back to the prince as well. 

Caspian sees the familiar blonde hair and blue eyes look up at him. He notices how Navene seems to be nervous. He dismounts his horse rubbing the horse's mane. Navene reaches down rubbing Vatalanie's coat as Vatalanie nudges her head against the welcoming hand. Caspian looks around and then notices the familiar eyes of Tesara just behind the bush to the left. He steps to the side kneeling down with his palm up before Tesara allows her presence to be seen. 

Lena gasp seeing another wolf stepping out of the bushels towards the prince.The king then realizes who the figure is and taps the horse's side to have him move forward. Lena and the guards following closely behind. 

Navene goes stiff seeing the newcomers joining him. Tesara can sense her friend's discomfort and stands beside him nuzzling her head to his legs. Navene's gaze looking down seeing the reflective eyes that has calmed him over the years. 


"Your Majesty"

Navene slightly bows showing his respect to his king. The wolves following suit not only surprising the guards but the princess as well. Caspian just smirks seeing how intelligent the wolves are. 

"What brings you out so far?"

Navene looks to the princess and can see her disgust clear as day. His shoulders slack making him appear smaller under her scrutinizing gaze. Vatalanie and Tesara are quick to notice the difference and step forward growling looking directly at her. She gasp hearing the sound as the other's look to the wolves as if sensing something is wrong. The gaze flowing between the wolves to the princess. 

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