"Prince Caspian, it's an honor to meet you!"
Caspian looks up from his seat on the throne seeing another noble bowing towards him. It has been 4 days since his run in with his silvered eye beauty and yet all he wants to do is go in search of her again. Him and his sister agreed to not to tell their parent's about the encounter in fear of the rage towards the incident. The last three nights he has been dreaming on silver eyes and luscious pink lips. He gives the nobleman a slight nod however does not engage in conversation. Sitting in the throne room he can see his father glancing at him in the corner of his eye. The day passes by listening to the noblemen speak to the royal family. All the while the prince glances out the window looking into the green wilderness beyond the borders.
"Prince Caspian, take a walk with me."
Prince Caspian looks up to see his father stepping down from the throne. Everyone bowing while he walks out. Caspian walking right behind him. They continue walking to where they get to the gates of the castle. The kings motions for them to lift the gates and Caspian raises a brow towards his father.
"I know something has your mind captured. Please reign in your thoughts and come back swiftly. Two of my finest guards will be accompanying you." The king pats his son's shoulder and begins strolling back into the castle.
Caspian takes a deep breath before stepping out of the gated land. Once outside he begins strolling through the green lavish forest. The guards looking around questionably but do not comment. They continue their journey for a few before he begins hearing the melodic humming he has missed so dearly. He peaks around a tree and the view once again captivating him.
Artemis is sitting there with a full grown bear looking into her face while she rubs it's head gently. The wolves and Navene no where to be seen. The large brown bear easily twice her size. She begins singing lulling the bear to rest it's body down on the earth floor. I take a step forward and behind me the guards follow. I can see their eyes go wide seeing what is occurring in front us.
Artemis raises a hand signalling them to not come further. They all stop dead in there tracks hearing her angelic voice lulling the massive bear to sleep. The guards step back and lower their swords to the ground. Artemis gently lays the bears head to the side of her lap stepping up and turning her body towards them. Her cloak hiding her features including her eyes. Prince Caspian stands stark still while she hums and steps to them.
Caspian reluctantly steps back while she finishes the song. She turns her body facing the three intruders. She sees the prince looking at her with an emotion she is not used to... longing. She sees the guards looking from the bear to her. She clasps her hands together in front of her. Her dark green cloak falling around her. She glances up at the prince to see him wanting to ask many questions.
"How did you-"
Caspian takes a small step towards her while she takes a step back. He sighs and balls his fist from continuing to advance to her. All he wants to do is touch her to know she is real. He straightens out his back deciding to try and change his tactic.
"I never got to properly thank you for rescuing my sister and myself."
She gently bows but doesn't say anything. She mind links Navene telling him to get back. He responds saying he is on his way. The guards step forward making Artemis go stiff. Caspian sees this and tells them to stand down and step back. They look at each other and reluctantly step back. They get behind Caspian as they begin hearing howling. Not even a second layer, large wolves come to stand behind Artemis growling menacingly at the guards. Artemis gently hums and the wolves bow their heads.
"Prince, what are you doing here?"
Navene steps out of the trees walking towards Artemis. He stops once he is standing beside her. He nods his head and Caspian tilts his head in confusion. Navene gives a gentle smile towards the prince.

Fantastik"Let them go, Dante." I whip my head to see a small boy standing the clearing with blonde hair and a green cloak hanging from shoulders. He isn't very tall however he holds his stance well. He doesn't seem to be more than Cassandra's age. Maybe 12...