Chapter 34

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"Love, please relax." 

"Our son just climbed on a... a dragon! And you want me to relax?!" 

The queen continues pacing the great hall some time after her son disappeared into the skies. The king still keeping calm even with his wife's loud voice raising in volume. He is aware after many years of how she processes her information. Analee's attitude reminding him of a kettle. She will speak and pace til her steam eventually evaporates. Usually, the king would allow her to go through her motions however now he needs her to think of the baby. 

"Sweetheart-" The queen whips up her hand palm facing him motioning for him to stop speaking. He lets her take a few deep breaths before continuing. "He is with Artemis, we have nothing to fear."

The queen drops her hand looking to her husband incredulously. "Artemis may have the ability to heal but what happens if he falls off or worse- the dragon attacks them."

The king strides to her taking her hands into his. He leans forward pressing his lips to her forehead. She releases a shaky breath and attempts to control the flood of emotions raking through her. 

"I would not allow our son to go into a situation I wasn't sure of." He pulls back looking into her glossy eyes. Releasing her hand, he cups her face. "That dragon is the one who rescued Artemis when she fell ill." 

The queen's eyes go large unaware that Artemis was stricken with illness. The king nods his head affirming her unasked question. She relaxes her forehead to his chest allowing his heartbeat to comfort her like all the times before. 

"She is well now, yes?"

The king strokes her head nodding his head before realizing she can't see him. 

"Yes love, I still am unaware of all the details. As soon as they returned, she left for you." 

The queen sighs her mind reverting to the dark memory. Her husband pulling her tightly to him feeling her muscles tense. Her body relenting to the comfort only her husband can bring about. 

"She is going to make a phenomenal queen." 

"With your guidance... I have no doubts." 

The queen smiles against her husbands chest letting her worries wash away. Her husband begins to gently sway side to side. Her body mimicking his actions. He begins turning and dancing making her laugh softly and smile at him. He hums while the outside world fades away. The dance is slow and caressing showing utter and pure affection for each other. The queen's mind wandering back to their first dance when she was just a princess and he a boastful prince. He thought he could rule her... He had a lesson to learn. After a rough beginning, their love grew. Now over two decades later, the queen wouldn't place her heart with any other. 

"You are my King..." 

"As you are my Queen." 

Goliath continues watching the happy couple and feels the love radiating off of the pair. A thud alerts him and the loving couple towards the door. It opens with their princess skipping in followed by Navene. She strolls to her parents leaning up to kiss both their cheeks before stepping back. 

"Does anyone know where Caspian or Artemis are?"

The king and queen look to each other before turning back to their daughter's questioning eyes. Casden kneels down in front of his daughter taking her hands into his own. 

"They are currently visiting someone but they should be back shortly." 

Cassandra pouts but nods in understanding. Tesara rubs her side making the princess graze her hand over the wolf's coat. The king smiles to the wolf reaching out to pet her. Tesara leans her head into his palm. Goliath stands up walking over to sit by the queen who mirror's her daughter's actions rubbing the wolf's head. 

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