Huffing and out of breath, she leans over placing her hands on her knees to gather her breathing. Her dark curls falling around her face. Chest rising and falling rapidly trying to gather air into her lungs. A whimper makes her look up to meet the eyes of her friend. Her silver eyes softening at the sight of her long time companion. She reaches out allowing her hand to brush through the soft fur coat.
"I am alright friend..."
He licks her hand while the sound of other broken branches alerts them to their surroundings. Looking up, she comes face to face with well over a dozen more wolves. Some small pups while other full grown. Each bowing to the dark hair beauty in respect. The young woman chuckling lightly at them and shaking her head.
"You know better Mira"
She whips her eyes up to the familiar voice. The blonde hair now shorter and his frame tall, strong. He walks through brushing his hand in the air signalling for the wolves to disperse which they do. He strolls with sturdy steps directly to her with a gentle smirk on her lips.
"You wouldn't tell on your baby sister now would you?"
"You can not continue to use that card on me. I only recently became your brother Mira."
"Yes but your more laid back than Caspian"
Navene laughs shaking his head at her. She has grown into a magnificent beauty in her own right. Her eyes still the silver she was born with. Her hair continuing to resemble that of her mothers.
"Caspian sets those rules on you because he does not wish to worry your mother"
"But nothing!"
They both turn to the sharp tone. Mira gulps looking to the dark hair walking graciously towards them. She links her arm with her husband who leans over kissing her cheek gently. A prominent blush making its way up her neck.
"Cass, he never lets me leave... not like you!"
Cass chuckles at her younger sister before turning her gaze back to the golden hair that captured her attention all those years ago. The green eyes shining with love making her insides melt. A nudge to her leg makes her look down to see Tesara requesting her attention. She rubs her thoughtfully, the wolf now fully grown and the protector of their home.
"I am not nearly as valuable as I once was Mira..."
They all begin walking back towards their bungalow. Mira bouncing over the fallen trees within the woods while Cass and Navene chuckle at her linked at the arm. Tesara following close behind.
"Where do you think she gets it from?"
"Oh most definitely her godmother..."
Navene's words confident knowing how much his guardian loves to venture. It is in her nature just as it is with her children. Liam, Dannick, and the youngest Selcia, gifted the name after a late friend. Liam and Mira have just turned 16 and seem to be on the rebellious side. Dannick is not yet 12 while Princess Selcia is only 7.
The years have come and gone. Artemis is still the protector and healer as she always was. Caspian still adores her with all his might. Their love knowing no bounds. The legend of her powers have traveled the seas landing her some interesting audiences. Caspian still feels the need to protect her as he knows she would never care for herself.
Mira had come into her own powers mirroring Artemis' herself. The silver beauty taking the time to teach her and guide her over the years. Liam had recently discovered that his ability to protect can exceed far more than ever perceived imaginable. He has created a bond with Aneesa and chooses to ride the skies. Dannick being born with his father's dark hair and his mother's silver irises has learned he can control fire. It caused much the disarray in the castle when he was upset only his mother being able to soothe him. Princess Selcia took all the features of her mother... with one small difference. The mismatch of her eyes, one electric blue, the other metallic. She has the ability to speak to creatures and is learning how to heal. Although she does not possess the ability to pull her energy like Mira or Artemis, she has chosen to one day become a doctor. At seven years old, she may change her mind.

Fantasía"Let them go, Dante." I whip my head to see a small boy standing the clearing with blonde hair and a green cloak hanging from shoulders. He isn't very tall however he holds his stance well. He doesn't seem to be more than Cassandra's age. Maybe 12...