chapter five

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I broke out into a fit of laughter that Elena soon followed me into. My teacher was in my house, my teacher whom I had a schoolgirl crush on may I add, and he was shocked to see me here. I couldn't help but falling to the floor in stiches. Elena was laying next to me soon after.

Standing in my living room was Liam with his puppy like face, big brown eyes and killer looks. Then there was a blonde happy looking guy who I recognized as Niall, he was my other best friend when I was younger but we had lost all contact. Then there was a tall, mysterious looking guy with a quiff of dark hair, I think his name was Zayn. There was also the mess of brown culrs and big green eyes I knew well as Harry Styles. I'd had a crush on him for the longest time. Finally there was Mr. Tomlinson, his brown hair perfectly styled now to look like he just had sex and his blue eyes that pierced into your soul.

"Umm?" Liam said taking us out of our trance.

"One.... Second..." I said while trying to get air into my lungs. It took me like 3 minutes but he was patient. "Well, I know Mr. Tomlinson."

"Louis?" Liam asked innocently sending me and Elena to the floor again.

"Yes!" I practically screamed.

"What is so funny though?" Liam seemed genuinally confused.

"Well..." Elena piped up. "He's out English teacher.... Louis..." She started laughing again. "And he just seemed shocked to see Reenee in her own house."

"Well... I was told we were going to a nice girls house to check on some chick that Liam was worried about. How was I supposed to know that it was you two he was talking about? And I didn't even know the two of you were friends..." Mr. Tomlinson, or Louis I guess, started to blush. God he was so hot when he blushed. It made him seem younger and... REENEE! NO! You need to get over this guy, he's your teacher. He would never like you anyway, you're just a stupid high school student.

I heard Niall laughing now. I know where I recognized him from now, my mom used to babysit him and his brother Greg! The other boy wasn't Greg though."Louis, you should see how red you are right now!" He howled. "And Liam, you look so confused!" He was in a fit of laughter.

"Hey, Reenee?" I heard the other boy say from a bit down the hall. I was glad to get a distraction from Louis, though I wish I could just kiss those lips... No, I had to stop this...

"Yes, Zayn is it?" I asked the boy who was examining a picture of my family three days before the plane crash.

"Yes it is," He smiled at me brightly. "Umm... I was just wondering, I only ever see you around with her," he pointed at Abi. "Are the rest of them in another place or something?"

"You don't remember Zayn, do you..."

"Remember what?"

"The plane crash nine years ago..." Niall said walking towards us with Elena close behind him. "There was one girl from here who survived."

"Oh right!" Zayn exclaimed. "She like disappeared after that, I wonder what happened to her and her sister."

"Are you a bloody idiot or what?"  Elena practically screamed. "You're looking at her right now!" 

"You?" He asked... Maybe he should've been the blonde one.

"No.. Not her.." I said weakly. "Me."

"Ohh." He said awkwardly and walked away. I must've started crying without noticing again because I suddenly felt a set of arms around me and someone else rubbing my back.

"Thanks guys." I whispered to my two childhood best friends and walked away.

The guys had stayed over for a while, and then Niall and Elena stayed over after the rest had left so we could all catch up. It felt extremely nice because I had missed them more than I knew. This morning I had woken up with a text asking if I wanted to go to the mall with Elena, so I agreed. 

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