The Vanishing of Will Byers - [Pt. 1]

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-November 6, 1983-

"Something in coming. Something hungry for blood." My friends Mike said, in a tone where you could tell he was into it. "A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness. It, is almost here."

"What is it?" One of my other friends, Will asked.

"What if it's the demogorgon?" Dustin asked. "Oh, Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the demogorgon!"

"It's not the demogorgon!" My last friend, Lucas, said.

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike stated, throwing them unto the board.

"Troglodytes?" Dustin asked, relieved.

"Told ya," Lucas stated. They all snickered, including me.

"Wait a minute..." Mike said. "Do you hear that? That... that sound... boom... boom... BOOM!" He yelled, slamming his hands on the table, making everyone jump. "That didn't come from the troglodytes, no, that... that came from someone else... The demogorgon!!" He said, and all of us groaned in defeat.

"We're in deep shit!" Dustin said, angrily.

"Will, your action!" Mike yelled.

"I don't know!" Will answered back.

"Fireball him!" Lucas yelled.

"I'd have to roll a 13 or higher!" He sounded defensive.

"Too risky, cast a protection spell," Dustin said.

"Don't be a pussy, fireball him!"

"Cast. Protection!"

I rolled my eyes. "Guys, quit pressuring him! Let him choose!"

No one listened, of course.

"The demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you! BOOM!"

"Fireball him!"

"Another stomp, boom!"

"Cast. Protection."

"He roars in anger!"

By now everyone is bickering over each other. I felt like the only sane one.

"And Fireball!" Will shouted, throwing the dice which flew off the table.

"Oh, shit!" Mike cursed.

We all dove unto the floor, looking for the dice.

"Where'd it go? Where is it?"

"I don't know!" Will and I shouted at the same time.

"Is it a 13?"

"I! Don't! Know!" Will shouted once more.

"Where is it?" Lucas yelled.

"Oh, my God!" Dustin kept shouting.

"Mike!" I heard Mrs. Wheeler shout from the top of the stairs.

"Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign!"

"You mean the end? Fifteen after." She reasoned, pointing to her watch. Mike zoomed up the stairs to try and reason with her.

"Oh, my God! Freaking idiot!" Lucas shouted.

"Why do we have to go?" Will whined.

After a solid 15 seconds, I heard a "Oh, I got it! Does the seven count?"

"It was a seven? Did Mike see it?" Lucas reasoned. Will shook his head. "Then it doesn't count!"

I grabbed my jacket and headed for the stairs.

"Yo, hey guys." Dustin started. "Does anyone want this?" He said, holding up the last slice of pizza.

"No," We all said in unison.

Then, we were all left in the garage, getting on our bikes.

"There's something wrong with your sister." Dustin stated.

"What are you talking about?"

"She's got a stick up her butt."

"Yeah," Lucas added on. "It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington."

"Yup, she's turning into a real jerk."

"She's always been a real jerk!" Mike argued.

"Nuh-uh, she use to be cool. Like that time she dressed up as an elf for our elder tree campaign."

"Four years ago!" Mike yelled, as I, Lucas, and Dustin started riding off.

"Just saying!" He yelled, without saying goodbye.

"Later," Lucas said, doing the same thing.

I started to ride off, but waiting for Will.

If I'm being totally honest, I have a huge crush on him, that he has no idea about. I mean, I hope so.

"It was a seven." I heard him say.


"The roll, it was a seven." He admitted.

That's something I've admired about Will. He never cheated, and was always so honest and innocent about everything.

"The demogorgon, it got me." He said. "See you tomorrow." He said, riding off.

The lights flickered on Mike's house flickered, but I just ignored it.

We caught on to the rest.

"Good night, ladies," Lucas said, riding off to his house.

"Kiss you mom 'night for me," Said Dustin.

"Do you have a thing for his mom or something?" I snickered in laughter and disgust.

"Shut up," He said, making me laugh. "Race back to my place? Winner gets a comic."

"Does that include me?" I asked.


"Any comic?"


Will then started speeding up, and so did I, which pissed Dustin off. I giggled, flipping him off in a joking way, of course.

"Hey! Hey! I didn't say go!" He shouted, as Will got further and further down the road. "GET BACK HERE! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

"I'll take your X-Man 134!" Will jeered.

I sped up to him, knowing we both won the race.

I giggled. "Bye, Will," I said, speeding off to another road, to my house.

"Bye, Kylie!" He said, his voice getting faint.

Gosh, I really liked him.

I knew he didn't like me back, though. At least not in that way.

Which is why I don't want him knowing I liked him, number 1, number 2, I also didn't wanna ruin our wonderful friendship we had going on.

Then, I arrived at home, and went to sleep.

Something, though, deep down in my soul... just didn't feel right....

Oh, well, I'm just dreaming, right?

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