The Vanishing of Will Byers - [Pt. 2 - FINAL PART]

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(A/N: Mike's face of annoyance is everything ^^)

I woke and got dressed for the day, which was going to be a shitty Monday, unfortunately.

I sat down for breakfast to see my mom, dad and little twin brothers, who are in third grade. I grabbed my water and my daily vitamin pill, which I really don't see necessary, but, my mom said it's what the doctor recommends. (This becomes important later in the story)



"Will didn't spend the night, right?"

I felt confused. "No? Why would he?"

"Ok, I was just checking. His mom called asking if he was here."

"He's not home?"

I started to internally panic.

"I-I guess not," My mom stuttered.

My appetite faded away just like that. Will's missing?

N-no, it can't be...

"Eat your cereal, Kylie," My dad said. "You too, boys."

I tried to eat my cereal, but now it was hard.

After a few solid minutes, I got up. "I'm not really hungry, I'm just gonna go."

"Okay, Sweetie." My mom said.

I grabbed my backpack and went outside and jumped on my bike.

"Will better be with one of the boys," I muttered to myself.

-At school-

I found the boys, but no Will.

"Hey guys, where's Will?" I asked.

"That's weird." Mike said. "I don't see him."

"I'm telling you, his mom's right. He probably just went to class early again." Lucas said.

"Yeah, he's always paranoid Gursky's gonna give him another pop quiz.

"I hope so," I said.

They all looked at me in a weird way. "What?"

"Nothing." Mike said. "It just seems that a certain somebody's in love-"

"Oh, shut up..."

"It's true, though." Lucas added.

"You better not actually tell him when we see him, understood?"

Dustin smirked.



"Wipe that evil looking smirk off your face before you do something stupid." I said sternly.

"Step right up, ladies and gentleman." We all heard behind us.

Shit. I knew who that was.

We all turned around to see our "favorite" (note the sarcasm) douchebag of the century, Troy and his little goon squad that contained of one minion, James.

"Step right up and get your tickets for the freak show!" He mocked.

I sighed a deep sigh.

"Who do you think would make more money in a freak show?" He took a pause and got up in each of our faces. "Midnight," He said, pushing Lucas, "Frogface," Pushing Mike, "Toothless" Pushing Dustin, "Or Winter?" Pushing me.

They always called me Winter, because my skin was naturally pretty white and pale, even though it wasn't the "whitest" or the "palest" in the school.

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