The Body - [Pt.2]

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We hopped on our bikes and headed for the school.

Well, for the Heathkit.

We arrived and we went inside and saw empty halls.

"Hey," I whispered to El. "Everything's gonna be all right." I smiled.

She smiled back. "Thanks."

"Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad." Mike said.

"Sure can do," I said.

The man on the PA started talking. "Attention students. There will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now. Do not got to fourth period." I shuttered at Will's name.

Mike tried to open the door, which was unfortunately locked. "It's locked." He said.

"Yeah, no shit, unfortunately." I said.


"Hey, do you think you can open it?" Dustin asked El. "With your powers?"

"Kids?" We heard, everyone whipping around and saw Mr. Clarke. My heart was thumping. "Assembly's about to start."

"We know," Mike said. "We're just... you know."

"Upset," Lucas said, making a sad face.

"Y-yeah, definitely upset." Dustin stuttered.

"We need some alone time, " Mike said.

"To cry," Dustin said.

"We need... to mourn..." I said.

"Yeah, listen," Mr. Clarke started, "I get it, I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh?"

Dustin nodded, in a melancholy way.

"And then..." He continued, pulling out his keys and tossed them to Mike, "The Heathkit's all yours for the rest of the day," He said with a smile. "What do you say?"

We all smiled to each other in a victorious way.

He looked at El. "I don't believe we've met. What's your name?"

"Eleven-" She tried to say before we all cut her off.

"Eleanor! She's my, uh--" Mike started.

"Cousin!" Lucas finished.

"Second cousin!" Dustin said.

"From somewhere far away," I stammered.

Mike sighed. "She's here for Will's funeral."

"Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances."

"Thank you," El said, formally.

"Uh, where are you from exactly?" He asked.

"Bad place--" She said before we cut her off... again.

"Sweden!" Dustin butted in

"I have a lot of Swedish family," Mike said.

"She hates it there!" Dustin said.

"Cold!" Lucas said.

"Subzero," Dustin said.

I lowkey snickered to myself.

Poor Mr. Clarke, he has got to be so confused.

"Shall we?" He said.

"Yep!" Lucas said quickly before anything else happened.

We then arrived at the gym, and Dustin loudly and noisily open the gym doors, getting a stare from everyone.

"Abort," Dustin whispered, heading back for the door, before Lucas pushed him back around. We then headed in, like the total weirdos that we were.

"We come together to heal..." The Principal continued, "We come together to grieve..."

And so there went the assembly.

-During the assembly_

"Will Byers' death is an unimaginable tragedy. Will was an exceptional student and a wonderful friend to all of us. It's impossible to express the hole his loss will leave in our community. I'd like to introduce you to Sandy Sloane. She's a local grief counselor from the church over in Jonesboro. But before she comes up here, I just want those of you who are dealing with this tragic loss..."

"Look at all these fakers," Mike said.

"They probably didn't even know his name till today." Lucas replied.

Then we all heard chuckling behind us, and we saw the douches (You know who) laughing. My jaw and fist clenched.

"What?" James asked, laughing.

"Who is interested in this? This is so stupid." He laughed. "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah," He laughed. "Oh, He wAs SuCh A gReAt StUdEnT. Oh, He'S gOiNg To LeAvE a HoLe In tHe CoMmUnItY," He laughed.

"Mouth breather," El whispered.

I smiled at her. She's learning the ways of us, I laughed to myself.

Mike looked at her and smiled.

I honestly think that Mike has a thing for El, and I think it's pretty freaking cute.

-After the assembly-

The bell rang, and everyone left.

I was still pissed about Troy and James. But I mean, what do you expect, they're such bitches.

Mike walked and stopped. "Hey! Hey! Hey, Troy! Hey, Troy!" He yelled. Get 'em, I thought. "You... you think this is funny?"

"What'd you day, Wheeler?"

"I saw you guys laughing over there. And I think that's a real messed up thing to do."

"Didn't you listen to the counselor, Wheeler?" James asked. "Grief shows itself in funny ways."

"Besides, what's there to be sad about, anyway? Will's in fairyland now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies. All happy and gay!" He laughed, emphasizing gay. He then started mimicking a fairy.

My fist clenched, and there was NOTHING I wanted to do more than to kick his family tool...

(a/n: Noah reference XD)

The turned around, a circle of students had formed around us.

Mike then ran to them, and did what I wanted to do.

Push his pretty ass over.

Everyone was now watching and "ooh" ing.

Me and my friends gasped.

Troy gave him a death glare and stood up. "You're dead, Wheeler!" He said, and lunged in a punching position, and... froze?

We all looked at him confused, and Troy started whimpering, then I realized what it was.


We looked back at her, and her nose was bleeding. She smiled.

Then Troy started... peeing himself!

A dark, wet spot formed on his crotch, and everyone started laughing.

"Dude, Troy peed himself!" One kid laughed.

Everyone started laughing their asses off, and so did I and my friends.

Then Eleven wiped her nose and casually walked off, as if nothing happened.

I ran up to her, "Good job, El,"

"Thank you," She murmured with a smile.

"Hey! What's going on here?!" The principal yelled.

Me and the party ran off and out of the gym.

Troy was left speechless and embarrassed.

Just what that little son of a bitch deserved....

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