The Bathtub - [Pt.1]

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(a/n: classic scene up here ^^)

Mike was rubbing El's makeup off in the bathroom, while me and Dustin were out.

Suddenly I just felt a little dizzy.

Maybe it's just all the trauma in the past few days... I guess?

I hope.

Anyway, I took some water.

Then... the walkie talkie started crackling, it was Lucas... but he didn't sound okay.

Then suddenly, Dustin barged in on Mike and El.

"Guys! It's Lucas, I think he's in trouble!"

Mike and El rushed out of the bathroom, and I followed.

"Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?"


"What if he found it?"

Lucas was shouting, but the signal kept breaking up.

"What's he saying?" Mike asked.

"I don't know,  he's way out of range."

"...son of a bitch!" He yelled through.

"Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you.

"Yes! I copy!" He yelled. "Do you? They know about Eleven! Get out of there! They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! All of them! Do you hear me? The bad men are coming!"

My eyes perked up, and I forgot all about my dizziness.

"'Mad hen,' does that mean anything to you? Like a code name or something?"

"The bad men are coming!"

"Bad men," Mike repeated. "Bad men!" He put the supercomm down. "Stay here," He told us and ran out of the room.

Mike ran out and I started to panic. El did too.

I grabbed her shoulders. "Hey," I said. "Everything's gonna be alright." She smiled but still had panic written all over her face.

Dustin left and so did I, and saw what Mike was looking at.

It was those HPL (Hawkins Power and Light) vans from earlier.

"What's that guy doing?" Mike asked.

"You don't think..." Dustin began.

Mike ran off.

"O-oh shit," I said.

Mike ran to hi mom. I heard their conversation and me and Dustin followed.

"Well, I know she and Steve have been spending time together..." Mrs. Wheeler said, talking to someone on the phone.

"Mom!" Mike called, running to her.

"Well, is he home?" She continued. "Maybe you could ask him--"


"I'm sorry, can you just hold on, please? Michael, I'm on the phone, I've told you a million times--"

"Did you schedule any repairs?"


"Is there anyone supposed to come and do repairs on the house?"

Me and Dustin looked out and saw SEVERAL more vans coming down, and I panicked.

Some of them made eye contact with us.

Dustin jammed the curtains shut and we both ran down down to the kitchen.

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