1. Let's Begin

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"Alright everyone, tomorrow here at 6am, don't forget." Mrs. Jones said after the bell had rung. I left the classroom and speeded down the hall to the lockers. He was already there.

"Hi baby." I kissed his cheek as there weren't any people who could see us. I thought he'd like this but he just pushed me back.
"Brian I've said this million times, not at school. " he looked around nervously.

Lucas has been doing that a lot recently. Pushing me back even, when we're alone. I don't know when we last kissed properly. Yes, he always reassures me, that I'm the love of his life and stuff, but it seems like he doesn't want to do anything more than reassuring. And to be honest, my feelings towards him began fading away about month ago. I just didn't want to break up with him.

That was the end of our school day. We strolled down the street with Lucas looking at everything besides me. I grabbed his hand to get attention but he backed off at my touch. I sighed.
"Okay, so how was the school?" I asked and he looked at me for a split second.
"Pretty good." Lucas replied and spat at the pavement "And yours?" he said reluctantly.
"Thank you for asking dear! Well, I have integration trip tomorrow, so I won't see you for a week. I'll miss you so much honey." I tried to look into his eyes but failed. He didn't say anything. No 'I'll miss you too' or 'Hope you'll have a good time.' nor even a stupid 'Where are you going to stay?' . Nothing. God, I have to make some new friends during the trip.

Finally, after boring long-ass walk we arrived at my porch. He just stopped there and waited for me to go away. I made my way to the door and put my hand on the cold knob. I turned to Lucas, desperately wanting to run and hug him tightly but something told me that he'd push me away.
"Bye Lucas, I love you." maybe I lied a little. I still love him but no more in this romantic way.
"Bye." he waved his hand and hurried along the street. I followed him with my eyes until he disappeared behind the corner.

I entered the house, scent of food filling my nostrils. Mum is home.
I took off my shoes, left my bag and ran to the kitchen.
"Hi mum!" I hugged her from behind, wrapping my arms around her and resting my chin on her head.
"Oh, Bri! How's the school?" she turned around and smiled.
"Great! Me and Lucas... "
"Ah right, about that... Honey, you know I support you so much but you and Lucas... I think that's not working." she took both my hands and sent me a sad smile.
"Yeah, I think so too." I grinned from ear to ear, seeing her confused expression. She had to reanalize what I had just said. Her face brightened up, but before she could say anything, I changed the topic.
"Anyway, I'm so excited for this integration trip." I sat down at the table.
"Really?" she left whatever she was doing and took a seat in front of me.
"Of course! I'll finally have a chance to make friends." I fiddled with the salt cellar. Accidentally I scattered some salt, gaining a reproving look from my mother.
"I hope you will." she ripped the salt cellar out of my hands and put it as far from me as she could. "Now go, pack your bags."
"And what about the dinner?" I laughed. There was no chance that you could not eat dinner when mum's at home.
"Ah fuck dinner! Trip is more important!"

And with that I ran upstairs to my room. As soon as I was there, I put on some music, took out my suitcase and laid it on the bed. Purple Haze by Jimmi Hendrix started playing. That's it.

All the bands tees I could find were thrown into the suitcase along with the shorts and few pairs of jeans and flared trousers. I wanted to take clogs but everybody's laughing at them, so better not. Instead, I'll wear my black converse with rainbow shoelaces. They look awesome in pair with my favorite rainbow socks.

I hid the holo vaper under my hoodie and put a jeans coat on top of this. Perfect.

Now I have to pack some pretty underwear. A lot of Calvin Klein boxers and lace panties? Oh yes.

I was packing them as my dad entered the room. I shut the suitcase at the speed of light.
"Dad! I said you that you have to knock!" my cheeks felt so warm.
"Ah yes, sorry. I just wanted to give you something." he came closer to me and handed me a little box, closing my palm around it. "Here. Mother don't know about it and better if she won't"
Out of curiosity I opened my hand. Yup, I was holding a box of condoms.
"Daaad... " I moaned. "Seriously?" now I felt embarrassed.
"Shush. I know how it is on those trips." he furrowed his brows. "It'd be the best if you didn't use it, but if so - make a good use." he patted my shoulder. Before leaving the room he turned around and pointed at me. "You better drink beer than energetic drinks."

If he says so.

I unlocked my phone greeted by the photo of me and Lucas kissing set as the wallpaper. How long ago was that...
I opened my chat with Lucas. Last message was sent thirteen days ago. That's sad. I quickly typed 'How are you baby?' and clicked the send button. I opened my Instagram and liked random posts not really paying attention to what I'm looking at. Lucas wasn't writing back and left me on read. I opened Wattpad and posted 'I feel so alone. - Bri.' on my board. Maybe someone will got interested. I got bored and shoved my phone to the pocket, but then it buzzed. Oh my God. I hate that. With a sigh I took it out. There was one unread message on our class' group chat.

ya boi fred: See ya tomorrow sluts ❤️

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