8. Fucking Grapes.

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"Are penguins birds or mammals?" Roger frowned deep in thoughts. I snickered.

It was already after dinner and we were coming back from the shop with Mrs. Jones. Roger kept silent, he didn't even put on any music. I thought he just didn't want to talk, until he spoke up halfway to the resort.
"You should now that!" I looked at him. I'm glad he didn't turn his head in that moment because it was nice to watch him bite his lip and frown. "Of course they are birds!" I couldn't contain my laughter. How could you question if penguin is a bird or not?
"Oh, ok. I just thought that they have fur. And you know, birds have feathers. Feathers are like... you can pull out feathers one by one and with fur you can't do that. Penguins looked like they have-"
"Why would you want to pull the feathers out of a fucking penguin?!" that was it. I lost it. My true laugh came out unnaturally and insane. I started wheezing, booming with loud sound here and there. I felt my face getting hot and tears prickling in the corners of my eyes. I could barely walk straight.
"No! " Roger said loudly slightly cackling himself. "Oh my God, no!" he covered his face but gently, to not mess up the make-up. He stumbled over some rock on the path and quickly took his hands off of his face. Roger looked around with big eyes, catching me staring he immidiately smiled showing his braces. I looked away, trying to cool down.
"I... ah, never mind." Roger ran his hand through his hair. "Penguins are cute."
"They really are." I turned my face to him.
"I like them." his eyes on mine.
"Me too. They are pretty." my eyes on his.
"They are so smart." Roger licked his lips and stung blue eyes deeper into my mind.
"But also chaotic sometimes." I watched him being mesmerized by... me? Okay, that boosted my ego. Maybe my feeling wasn't one sided? I was mesmerized by his looks and he was mesmerized by my looks. My life couldn't get bett-
"Brian!" the blonde's screech was the last thing I heard before my whole body hit against the person walking in front of me. The person happened to be a ginger girl I knew from the first meal in the resort. We both fell down, she on the ground and I onto her. Powers of physics made the hem of her dress ride up, showing her legs and a bit of panties. But the worst thing was that when we were falling, her body somehow turned or maybe we rolled, I don't know, but I found myself laying on top of her with my hands on her breasts. The group of students with the teacher stopped around us. They all were giggling in hushed tones.
"Ew! Maysturbator is raping me!" she shouted with disgusted expression. Students boomed with laughter.

My eyes widened. Making use of the time I had left before freaking out and panicking I quickly got up off of her and reached my hand to Ginger in order to help her stand up.
"God I'm so sorry! It's totally my fault. Are you alright?" my hand was hang in air not being used by her for help, so I backed off.
"I know it's your fault, you dumbass! Watch your steps next time!" the girl stood up supported by her friend. The crowd left and so did she murmuring 'a fucking deviant' under her nose.

I rubbed my face. How could you embarrass yourself that much twice in only half of the day?

"Brian you naughty boy!" Roger patted my back.

Ah yes, it's because of this human creature.

"What? It was an accident!" I started walking forward. We were now at the end of the march. Roger laughed and guess what, his laugh made me blush.
"Do you miss tits sometimes?" he questioned.
"Uh..." I didn't know how to respond as I've never really touched any tits until today.
"I do." he sighed. "But dicks are much better. Well, I discovered I'm gay only a few months ago, but-"
"Weren't you LGBT rights supporter much earlier?" as soon as I said it I wanted to curl up in a ball and die. He wasn't supposed to know that I know.

Roger just scoffed in disbelieve. He shook his head and smiled widely.
"Fucking Bulsara." the blond laughed. Roger fixed his hair that got messed up by the wind and ran his tongue across his braces. "I don't have to be a part of LGBT community to support them, don't you think?" he squinted one eye.
"Yeah." I gulped. I was gay since the beginning of my love life. My first crush was a boy and I just went with it. My family was sometimes more or less supporting but they always accepted my choices. To be honest, I've never really fought for gay rights because no harm ever happened to me. God I feel so selfish. There are people who gets hurt while standing in, de facto, my defence. And Roger was one of these people.

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