7. A Midsummer Night's Fap

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Waking up alone in the room that was once filled with three people was nice but when I stood up and stretched my back I started to think that maybe something happened. Plugging my phone off the charger I walked downstairs and there was still no one. I checked the time. It's nearly half an hour past the breakfast time. So no need to worry. They went to eat... and didn't even tell me, but Cole is probably sitting with them right now stuffing his stupid big mouth, talking while eating and shooting his unfunny jokes. What a sneaky little-

"Hey Brian!" the blonde came out of the bathroom.
"Oh, good morning." I tried to rest my hand on the counter but it came out rather awkward. "How was your night?"
"It was good. I mean, I slept on the couch, I couldn't bare with Cole." he sighed scratching his head with both hands. And surprise, he already had his make-up on. "My mum's already taken Mercy away. Don't you worry, the dog is in the good hands." Roger smiled and poured himself a glass of orange juice he bought yesterday.
"I guess so." I smiled. After what happened tonight- no, wait, in the morning I though that even after this message on my board, he'll be upset or angry but it's alright now. I hope he's not pretending to be all good just so.

"C'mon, get dressed up, we are going for the breakfast." he put the glass in the sink.
"Do we have to?" I whined.
"I'm not gonna cook for you again." Roger smiled and started walking away. "You have ten minutes." he slapped my butt gently and left the kitchen.

Great, Rog, now you have to give me ten more minutes.


We've arrived thirty minutes late. Luckily, there was still some food left. Not much, just three toasts, one slice of yellow cheese, two slices of ham and one sweet bun. Roger went to the kitchen to ask if there will be some more food and I offered to find a a free table. It was an easy task as only four tables were occupied.

I hurried to the table with three seats. It was situated at the corner of the hall. I was passing by a few boys when one of them (I don't remember his name) locked eyes with me and laughed out loud.

"Hey, look! It's Maysturbator!" he pointed at me and suddenly every student present in the room started laughing. I was scared, embarrassed, angry and sad at once. My mind was unable to came up with a good response in this moment, so I just walked away in the direction I took earlier. Thoughts were racing in my head, my heart thumping in my chest even harder than when I'm talking with Roger. What could happen? What did I do wrong? Who I messed up with? I don't remember doing anything like that.


Oh, that's just Deaky.

John shot up from his seat on the other side of the room. He ran all the way to me getting insults and hitting the rants of the tables with his thighs and hips. Ouch. When he survived the suicidal run, he threw himself onto the chair.
"Have you seen this?!" he whisper shouted and turned the screen of his phone to me. There it was, probably cause of the whole situation. A photo of me sleeping with open mouth and my hand in my pants. Took with flesh and in low quality, but even the blind could tell that it's me. At the top of the photo there was a big caption 'MAYsturbator lmao'.

I swallowed the gulp in my throat. Tears were at the corners of my eyes, but I couldn't let them go.
"Who?" my voice came out barely audible but it was enough for John to put on a blank expression.
"Cole March on Snapchat." he informed and put away his phone. "He sent it to everyone." Deacon slowly reached his hand across the table and went to hold my hand but I backed off.
"Don't." I hung my head low so nobody could see me blinking the tears back but without an effect. I saw a wet spots appear on my trousers. I wanted to feel nothing about it, I wanted to keep a stone face but you don't just get over the embarrassment like this. I'd fight back if it made a sense.
What's the point in fighting if I still won't have life in this school anymore? I can't turn back the time.

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