13. Hot, Almost Fire.

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"Hi Roggie..." I groaned sleepily. My eyes remained closed, the side of my face squashed against the pillow. I was lying on my stomach, my hand was loosily draped over his waist.

I heard only huff in response.

"Roggie..." I smiled to myself but didn't open my eyes, being to scared of daylight burning my eyes as hot water my hand.
"What the fuck do you want..." Roger's voice came out hoarse and annoyed, but most importantly - from the wrong direction. His voice was supposed to come from right next to me meanwhile it echoed from the other side of the room.

I shot up, quickly backing off which resluted in me falling off of my bed and hitting my hand against wooden frame of Roger's bed. The raven haired boy looked down at me from my bed with those mesmerizing dark eyes.
"John dared me to." he bopped his head.
"What the- did you mistake him with me?! Oh my God why did you even think I'd lye there in the first place?!" Roger hit my head several times. "You. Fucking. Perv." he hit harder with every word. I was shielding myself with my arms. His hit was accidentally targeted straight into my burned, still aching, hand. I cried out in pain.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" instead of hitting, Roger patted my head and petted my hair.
"Aha, we were right about that." Fred nodded, looking at us. He sat up on my bed and put his feet on the floor watching out no to stomp into the bowl of water. He didn't even wait for us asking further. "Me, Nat, James and Cami said that you two are a total couple. Deaky, Lu and Bethany said that you look cute togheter but are not attracted to each other. So Deaky dared me to sleep here and check what will be your first reaction." Bulsara explained and just got out of the room.

I lifted my head to look at Roger but before I could face him, he gasped and fell flat onto his pillow.
"Roger?" at first I wanted to ask if he's ok but then other though crossed my mind. "You don't have base on, do you?"

He shook his head, and said something impossible to understand as he was squizing pillow against his face. I didn't know what he said, but it probably meant I have to leave him alone so he could do his make-up.

I got up and exited the room closing the door behind me. I had a chance to see him in the most natural way. I had a chance.
But Fred saw him. And Roger didn't even twitch when he did.

Should I be jealous that Roger didn't have a problem with facing Fred without make-up?

Or should I feel intrigued that Roger is too bashful towards me?

I didn't know. I just wanted a sandwich.


"Cami was at the shop so I wrote to her and asked if she could get me some jam. I tell you! She mistaked 'jam' with 'ham'!" Fred told us and shook his head in disbelieve.
"Why would she do that?" I asked curiously. I nudged Roger to hand me my tea mug, which he did with a smile. We all occupied our table in the hall of the main house. It was the last day of the trip. Tomorrow's morning there's a come back to the real life.
"Her native is Spanish." Deaky puented earning an annoyed look from Fred.
"So that's why we have all that ham in our fridge back in the cottage... " Roger had a 'big brain' time. His mouth was agape as he looked at all of our faces with wide open eyes.
"Roger it's not funny or... whatever this story was supposed to be." clenching fingers of my right hand against the mug I brought it to my lips. I stared down at my left hand covered in bandage. It didn't hurt that much anymore.
"In my opinion those differences between languages are fascinating. Did you know that in some language when you write 'no' it means 'yup'? Amazing." he bumped his arm against mine. I smiled seeing his enthusiasm, but wanted to tease him a bit more.
"Ok, but there's no way 'no' can mean 'yup'."

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