11. Dirty Dancer

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"Where are we going?" John asked for the hundredth time. Nat just sighed and hugged closer to him. We were all walking in the direction the shop was. There were about two hours left to the compulsive dinner in the main house so Roger dragged us all to God knows where.
"To celebrate Freddie's birthday." the blond turned to Deaky for a moment to make jazz hands.
"But where exactly?" Fred ignored Lu's annoyed look.
"It's a secret."

I ran up and joined Roger at the front of the march. Of course he had his speaker but this time the music wasn't blasting, just quietly trickled, fitting the mood perfectly.
"Um... Roger?" I cleared my throat. Roger turned his head and lifted his nose up, giving me sign to speak. "Do you even know where are we going?"
"To the shop." he smiled cheerfully and bumped his shoulder against my arm.
"But why?"
"To buy some alcohole and snacks. Then we can party." Roger nodded, kind of assuring himself that this is our plan.

"Really?! That's why we are doing all that circus?!" Nat broke free from Deaky's grip with a visible lot of stamina to throw a tantrum. "We have a shit tone of snacks in the resort, Lu has three bottles of the Magic Juice and I have a beer hidden under my bed! What's the point in going to that fucking shop?" she shouted at the top of her lungs. All the birds from the forest around us startled and flew away. We kept quiet and waited who'll speak first.

"Women have more alochole than us? How did it happen, gentlemen?" Bulsara had a shocked expression on his face. Deacon shrugged his arms but also looked a bit surprised.
"Whatever, can we just come back to the resort?" Lu was nibbling on the skin around her nails. I found myself doing the same a minute later. "My legs ache."
"Ok, why the fuck did you lads took those girls with you?!" Roger gestured towards Nat and Lu. They both ignored his nagging comment.
"You took Brian so we thought that we can also bring partners." John walked past Roger, pushing him a bit.
"We are both gay, but that doesn't mean that we are attracted towards each other. Right, Bri?" Roger sent me a 'begging for support' look.
"Right." I coughed and awkwardly looked at my shoes.
"So anyway, I don't want to walk all the way to the shop either." Fred pointed at Roger. "You better find a solution."

I saw that Roger's ready to argue. His cheeks went red, eyebrows narrowed giving his eyes a dangerous glimmer. His pursed lips parted to defend himself and his plan, for now verbally. Before it could go further Deaky whistled, gathering our attention and called us in with a hand gesture. He stood by a tractor with a huge trailer. The driver poked his head out of the vehicle and looked at us with squinted eyes. He was a man in his early thirties in my opinion. When we got closer Roger immediately took Deaky's place as a negotiator. Some kind of new energy entered his body.

"I'll give you a lift but you give me  your names." he took a drag of his cigarette.
"I'm Roger, this is John, Nat, Brian and Lu and we don't know his name so we call him Fred. It's his birthday!" he grinned still pointing at Fred. The enthusiasm he eriadiated with seemed to make the man smile.
"You are under eighteen?"
"I see where this is going." the driver adjusted his baseball cap, looked at all of us and laughed. "Get on the back."
"And what about the-"
"I'll give you a bottle of vodka and a bottle of tequila if you help me clean up my field." he dropped his cig and asked me to dump it as he didn't want to get out of the tractor. I obeyed, he has a trailer and alcohole, he rules.
"Excuse me sir, but what do you mean by 'cleaning up a field'?" John asked.
"We have to clean it out of stones." Roger rolled his eyes. "Cruel and tiring job." he shook his head. The man patted Roger's arm.
"I like that boy." he reached his hand to him. "Deal?"
"Deal." Roger shook his hand.
"Now that's the spirit!" the driver laughed and told us to get on the trailer because in this moment we are beginning the best adventure of our lifes.


Sweat, sweat and more sweat.

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