Hey there!!!

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Just so you could know, my name is Anna and here I am to tell you a story. A love story. I just have to let it out. Well it is not my story but someone else's and I was a big part of it. Maybe not so big but they said it happened because of me.

Well this is the love story of Alvin and Ryan with me as the onlooker. Maybe this was the only greatest and sweetest thing that has ever happened in my life and also one particular thing that has taught me a lot.

Apart from them, there was Lisley. All the four of us were the most famous group at our workplace. I introduce the main characters of this story to you just because these are the only people relevant in this story and my life.

Anyways... I welcome you to a description of two lovers from the third person's point of view.

Hope you like it!!


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