The proposal...#1

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Alvin was very excited the day he got to know that Ryan was still single and was 2 years older than him. Well, maybe overly excited. He almost turned into a 5 year old kid when Ryan was around. I sometimes found those things similar to the animes I watched. When I related them to Lisley, she said that my brain is something that she cannot decipher.

During the week of our training, Ryan would be the one helping us. Julia would only come and instruct us. Both Alvin and Lisley couldn't tolerate Julia. I knew that pretty ladies who know that they are pretty, are always jealous of every other pretty ladies. So Lisley's irritation was acceptable. But the reason as to why Alvin couldn't tolerate her was unknown to me because she was very sweet with me. In my work life, I was almost about to forget my real name because of Julia and Ryan calling me munchkin and pumpkin, respectively. At times, maybe it was my imagination (my head is always busy imagining things), I felt as if Alvin was glaring at me when Ryan called me pumpkin.

At the end of our training week, we were supposed to have the so called "hanging out" thing at the cafeteria. Alvin loved Ryan's presence so much that sometimes he went desperate to spend time with him. When Julia refused to go out with us that day because she had some work, Alvin made those unrealistic puppy eyes and said, "I wanted to enjoy this day, now that you will not visit our cubicle anymore..."

Lisley made a face, portraying the amount of anger, thinking I would say something to stop the "hanging out" event. But my silence saddened her. Ryan, who saw that "puppy eye" thing,  maybe for the first time in his life, was ecstatic and said, "How can you say no to something like that, Julia?"

"I would love to say yes but this work...tommorrow is the deadline. Sorry, Alvin.", she said, "Why don't you go with them, Ryan? I will join you some other day!"

"That settles.", I said, "Let's go, I am hungry."

"I don't want to be a part of this, really.", Lisley whispered to me.

"I do. I want to be a part of this love.", I said.

At the cafeteria, after ordering the food Ryan excused himself to go to the restroom. Lisley, getting a chance, attacked Alvin.

"What exactly do you think you are doing? I mean it's been only a week and look at you. Are you really sure about this?", she asked.

"Are you sad knowing that you will not be able to take a chance with Ryan?", I interrupted.

Alvin started giggling. I smiled. Lisley then said, "Do as you please... I don't have any problem with it but this thing is not safe. How do you think will he act if he gets to know about your real personality? Have you ever thought about it?".

A moment's silence.

Lisley took a sip of water, desperately because our order didn't arrive yet.

"Why don't you confess? I mean, not the love confession but tell him about yourself and how you feel about him. Like a disclaimer. So that he knows what he is dealing with...", I said.

"That sounds cool... But I am afraid. What if he stops talking to me?", Alvin rested his chin on the table.

"See...", said Lisley, slapping the table while Ryan arrived.

"What's popping guys? Looks like you are planning a suicide bombing!", he said. He has always been this cheerful since our interview. I, kind of, hated it. But seeing Alvin smile like that, everytime Ryan cracked those lame jokes was a feel-good thing.

"Yeah... We are planning something and it's top secret.", Lisley said.

Ryan was too busy to look at the food that just arrived, so he didn't actually listen to what she said. While eating I started the thing.

"Why are you still single, Ryan?", I asked. Alvin shifted in his seat. Lisley let out a sigh.

"What if I ask you the same question before I answer you?", he said.

"My heart and life is too full to accommodate real people, so I am physically single but mentally I am dating 7, sorry, 10 people. Your turn.", I said.

Alvin quickly said excitedly, "She loves BTS...just like me. And I am not sure about the other people."

"Well I have been waiting for someone to approach me.", Ryan said, "I will accept anyone who accepts me."

"Someone's approaching you soon. Hehe!", Lisley said.

"What?", Ryan looked confused.

"Wait...what type of immature statement is that? Don't you have a choice of your own?", I diverted the situation.

"What do you think about Julia?", Lisley interrupted.

Alvin made a face. "Wait Lisley, one question at a time.", I said and looked at Ryan.

"I see...", said Ryan, "Are you trying to ask me what I think about you guys?'s not your fault. I am someone who everyone falls in love with. I love you guys, you know. Both of you are smart and work loving people and very simple yet elegant. And Julia? Well, I don't in the least like her. I just keep up with her because she is a fellow colleague. That pretty much sums up.", he said and took a huge bite of his burger.

"Wait... You like Anna? A weirdo like her? He he... Lovely. What do you think Alvin?", said Lisley.

"I would choose her over you she has the same interests as me, BTS and Anime. You cannot compare to her. No.", he said.

Ryan stopped chewing and looked at Alvin. "Hey buddy, you okay? Is anything wrong?", he asked Alvin.

"It's just that they fight a's okay. Nothing serious.", I said.

"No wait Anna. This is going nowhere. You were right. I need to tell him.", Alvin said and took a sip of his smoothie, sighed, looked at Ryan and said, "Here's the thing. I am a bisexual. I have developed feelings for you from the day of my interview. I wanted to ask you out but couldn't gather up my feelings. So I am doing this now. I don't know but I just want you to give me a chance. I really like you."

"Did you just confess?", asked Lisley.

"There's nothing to be romantic and just needs to be said in situations like this. I am with you Alvin.", I said.

" you like me in a romantic way, is that it?", Ryan asked him.

Alvin nodded, making those puppy eyes again.


"But I don't feel that way and I am not like that either. I... I am not sure about please don't be sad or anything. I don't... I don't think I can accept that.", Ryan said after a few minutes.

Alvin looked down, pushed his chair back, got up and left in a flash before we could even stop him. Ryan, startled, looked at us.

" angered the lady. Better be ready for the consequences.", Lisley said.

I shrugged my shoulders and got up. It was at times like this, I never knew how to react. I am already awkward and on top of that, this situation was really very tense.

"Who is he to show me this anger? I don't even think about him like that. I was just being friendly. What will I do if he takes it differently? Is he insane? Who is he to behave like that with me? I am his senior, I can fire him if I want..." and blah blah blah, Ryan was murmuring something more when I heard Lisley say, "Fire him...if you feel like it. You will just lose a diligent worker. And yes, who is he?"

I got out of the cafeteria.

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