The first day of work...

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"Why is your table still empty?", asked Lisley.

Three of us had arrived at the workplace 10 minutes earlier and started setting up our cubicle. Lisley had put a photo of her and her mom on the wall in front of her and a little showpiece -- a girl standing with her dog near her feet, her notepad and a terracotta pen stand. My side was nearly empty except for the pen stand which looked like a rubic square and a spiral binded notepad.

When I was about to answer her Alvin took out a photocard of BTS (Korean music band) and kept on the table. He also had a Chimmy (Park Jimin's self designed cartoon character) pen stand, a BTS themed notepad and a photo of his family.

"Alvin! You are an ARMY too?",I almost shouted...

Alvin looked at me, a bit surprised, but happy to find a BTS fan in his workplace and said, "Of course! And you too?"

Both of our eyes were gleaming while Lisley said to herself , "How did I end up here!", and slapped her forehead.

We were interrupted by miss Julia. "Hey there munchkins...! All set to start the day?", she said. I almost returned to myself when Alvin asked her, "We are munchkins?"

"Oh yes absolutely! Here are the expenditures, investments and incomes of the last month. Divide it among yourselves and start recording it. Also the calculations of the extra amount. Finish it as soon as possible and report to me. If any problems arise consult Ryan. Now get to work.", she said and handed over the sheets.

After she left Alvin said, "I am taking investment, Anna you take expenditure and Lisley income. What do you say?"

I nodded my head and Lisley said that she was okay with it. Thank God that both of them were workaholics like me so there were no more gossip and we immersed ourselves in the cubicle.

After an hour Ryan arrived with a sheet in his hand and stood for about 1 minute observing us. I looked up from my computer and saw him smiling at me. "Okay pumpkin, how is everything going?, he asked.

First Julia calls us munchkins and he is calling me pumpkin? What on earth is wrong with these people? But then I realized that I was the shortest among them and calling me pumpkin is not totally wrong. I smiled at him in response. He left after scanning all the three of us. After having finished the work, we had a meeting. We didn't get any break because it was our first day and we ended the day by preparing the cost of 3 annual business trips. While we were about to leave Ryan arrived with Julia and asked, "How about we hang out for an hour at the cafeteria on the first floor?"

It may seem to be an offer but actually it was an order. So, three of us marched behind them. When we reached the cafeteria, Alvin poked me and Lisley and said clasping both of his palms, "Please let me sit beside Ryan. Please please please!!"

"Chill Alvin! What's wrong with you?", I whispered.

"Don't tell me you are... ", Lisley said taking a side glance at me.

"What? Oh wait... Sorry I didn't tell you. How will you know?", Alvin shook his head and smiled at himself, "I am bisexual."

"Oh good!! And I thought I was imagining things... Sit wherever you want.", I said.

Lisley was too shocked to answer probably because she had already thought of hitting on Alvin from the next day. Well, Alvin looked hot in the blue suit that day!!

All of us got seated at a corner table. They ordered various types of soda and I, being a milk person, ordered mango milkshake. "What are you, a baby?", asked Julia.

"You called me munchkin and Ryan called me pumpkin... figures!", I said.

Alvin and Lisley laughed a little but Ryan and Julia didn't seem to be amused.

"So, how was your day?", asked Ryan.

Lisley and I figured the situation with  Alvin so we waited for him to respond. "Yes...sir... I mean, Ryan, it was fun...", Alvin managed to say this much when Lisley interrupted, "We are absolute workaholics, so this is not so hard. You guys were amazing too. And also the ambience... Wow!! ", and clapped in slow motion.

"Same here!!", I said raising up my hand.

"Where do you guys stay?", asked Julia.

"--- Road... 30 minutes by bus.", I said.

"Central ---. I go by train.", said Lisley.

"--- Crossing, near the --- police station. ", said Alvin.

Ryan slapped the table with his hand and said, "--- Crossing, did you say? I live there as well, 5 blocks away!"

We sensed the excitement in Alvin's voice when he said, "Oh really?? I see... ", but he kept a straight face.

"What!! You should be more excited buddy!", exclaimed Ryan, with an unexpected slap on Alvin's shoulder. "We are going home together... right?? ", he asked.

"Yeah... Of course.", said Alvin, his face pale.

After talking about work and family for about half an hour, the dreaded moment arrived. We paid for our respective orders and headed out of the cafeteria. Alvin said, "Thank you Ryan and Julia for letting us know you more. We are very happy and eager to work with you in future!"

"Oh yes absolutely!! This hanging out was a great idea. I loved it.", I said.

"Marvellous... See you tomorrow!", said Lisley, waving her hand.

Alvin was about to step forward when Ryan Huber jumped and and grabbed Alvin's shoulder. "Where the heck are you going alone?", he said.

Julia smiled at us and walked away waving her hand. Lisley, sensing the nervousness of Alvin, was not feeling good. "Are you not leaving?", I asked her.

"Huh! Yeah...but Alvin?", she asked me pointing at him.

"Why are you acting like you are watching a horror movie? What the hell?", I said almost irritated.

"Will he be okay?", she looked concerned.

I saw Ryan walking pretty close with his hand on Alvin's shoulder, and Alvin almost stooping not being able to take Ryan's weight. "They are too close...and on the first day of work...", I thought. But to Lisley I said, "I think that's why we have God! He will look after Alvin. Let's go home Lisley...we have more to see tommorrow."

The shock of Alvin being gay and Ryan going home with him was too much for her maybe or it could also be the sadness of losing two handsome men from the flirt-list.

"Ryan is just happy to get a companion for every's okay...", I said and patted her back.

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