Where it all started...

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"... So Anna, why do you think we should hire you?", asked the lanky lady in the middle. On her left side was a handsome man who seemed to be a wrestling champion and on the other side was an old lady with glasses but she was a modernized old lady.

"I really cannot give you any solid reason for it because I am honest. But to be precise I would do any job you provide me because I need money and I have been eagerly waiting for this day to come. Also I can assure you that I have never let down anyone before and the same stands for you too. "

The old lady opened her glasses and kept it on the table. The wrestling champion flexed his fingers. Then the lanky lady spoke again, " Well your answer is vague... Why should we hire you? "

"I am far more smart than most of the people waiting outside for this interview. They have asked me horrible questions before I came in! I think it's better to hire me.", I said and nodded to myself.

The old lady wore her glasses again and I think the wrestling champion stifled his laugh. The lanky lady gave a last look to my bio-data and asked me to wait outside. I bowed to them and left the room. Outside, a young lady looked at me with question mark expression. "They asked me to wait.",I said. She smiled and directed me to a different room, a smaller one. Then she called out in the main hall, only 2 seats are left. Alvin Samuels you are next."

After 15 minutes Alvin Samuels entered the room in which I was waiting. I didn't even look at him. I am very shy with boys. While I was wishing for him to sit away from me, he came and right next to my seat and asked, "Were you also asked to wait? "

"No... I am here to have lunch with you!", I thought but instead of that I replied, "Yep."

"Ooh. I think we are already selected, you know. They didn't ask any other people to wait.", he said.

Irritated, I looked at him. Light brown hair, fair complexion, blue large eyes and curled lips. Narrow shoulders but looked strong. He was radiating a cute vibe. "Would be a pretty girl if dressed like that.", I thought. I realised that I should stop staring so I initiated a short conversation, "Is this your first time?", I asked.
"Yeah...", he nodded. Then silence. A very short answer. This is what happens when I start a conversation. Therefore I stayed silent. In the meantime a tall, slim, young lady entered the room. She was the type of girl who would make boyfriends cry. That's what I felt. She wore a maroon suit and maroon lipstick. Black hair and eyes. You won't call her beautiful but her outlooks were pretty.

"Hello! I am Lisley Mathew. Nice to meet you.", she said.

"I am Anna, pleasure!", I shook her hand.

"I am Alvin Samuels. Nice to meet you too!", he said and shook her hand.

"I guess we are selected and I am so thrilled to work with you.", Lisley said.

"Yeah me too...", said Alvin. I realised that they were waiting for me to say something, after a while. "Oh yeah... me too!", I said trying to show a fake enthusiasm.

The young lady at the door called us, "Excuse me, you have to go inside again." and gave a matter-of-fact smile. The three of us went inside the interview room without any words.

"Be seated.", said the lanky lady. She may be lanky but she had a bossy attitude. But her cat-eye framed glasses gave a cute feeling! After we were seated, the wrestling champion started speaking, "Anna, Alvin and Lisley...", he stopped to smile at us. We smiled back and then he continued, "We are very lucky to have you here because you guys are the only smart people out of 15. And Anna, you were right... They were stupid. You 3 will be working here in the same section and your job is to manage the accounts of the company. Miss Julia Simon here(the door lady) and I, Ryan Huber, will be helping you out for the first week of your training. You guys are starting from Monday.", he said.

"Thank you very much!", we shouted in unison. While we were shocked at our own 'thank you's, the old lady with glasses indicated something to miss Julia and she called us out. "Today I will give you a tour of the whole place and then you guys can go back home. Remember to personalise your cubicle because that earns you a lot of popularity, in our company. You will not be using......blah blah blah", she said while showing us the place. When we reached our cubicle, she said, "This is where you will reside from now on. Choose your seats and then you can leave." and left.

"What if I take the middle one?", asked Lisley.

"I am on this side...",said Alvin holding the chair.

"That leaves the window seat... Perfect", I thought. "I have no problem.", I said.

"So that settles! Why don't we go grab some food in the canteen? We should be able to get to know each other too.", said Alvin.

"Yeah, sounds good.", said Lisley

"Okay.", I said when Ryan Huber passed by. He was very attractive while walking. While I was admiring his torso in my mind, Alvin said, "Hey guys! Isn't that man hot?"

Lisley and I looked at each other.

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