The breakup...

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Which love story doesn't have a breakup? This one has too and it is probably, a very odd one! Insecurities? Absolutely not. A different woman? No way. They were inseparable from the moment they chose each other. But when your parents don't accept you for what you are, it breaks your heart. Doesn't it? Specially when you are old enough and you earn on your own. Then it hurts your pride. It takes you to such a situation where you become desperate to achieve a particular thing.

It happened on the day when the four of us were present at Ryan's dad's birthday party along with some elderly friends of the birthday man. Thankfully, the scene took place after the guests left. While wrapping up the party, Ryan called out his parents and made them sit. He kneeled down in front of them and started his story, "Mom, dad. I have something to tell you. It's about my life. I am happily in love with someone. And I want to introduce that person to you."

His parents, confused by the presence of us two girls, were perhaps assuming anyone of us to be the girl. They looked at us for a moment and then his mom said, " Who is the beautiful lady?"

The 'beautiful lady' word made it clear that they thought Lisley to be the one. Lisley whispered to me, "Are they thinking that it's me?" "100 percent!", I whispered back.

"Umm... You are wrong, mum. It's not a lady. I am in love with Alvin.", he said and pointed at Alvin.

A long silence.

"My legs are shaking, Anna.", Lisley whispered.

Me, who was on the verge of collapsing any moment, couldn't answer her. I was too busy imagining the consequences. I strained my neck, with minimal body movements, to see if Alvin is alright. His face was pale. Ryan, staying at the same position, didn't move an inch. His mom was in shock, perhaps but his dad replied, "You think it's a joke? Aren't you a man? I didn't expect this sort of thing to happen on my birthday. I am sorry. I won't accept these. Choose one. It's either him or us. If it's him, I disown you at this very moment and I better meet my death before it happens. I don't know about others but I didn't expect my son to be... I am leaving.", he got up and left.

Before we could react, Alvin ran away from the scene. Seeing Alvin leave, Ryan stood up to stop him when his mom said, "That's enough Ryan. We will look for a bride. We are not accepting him anyways."

"You too? Mom, I am serious. I can't leave without him. He can't live without me. Mom, we genuinely love each other. His father approves of us. Why can't you..."

"You better stop this nonsense. You already heard your father.", his mom said and left.

Ryan collapsed on the floor. Lisley quickly ran to him and held him up. "It's okay Ryan, we can discuss about it. Please don't cry. You know we are there for you. Everything will be fine. We will talk to your parents.", she said.

But all he could say was, "This is the end. I knew this would happen."

I just stood there, couldn't even move a limb. For a geek like me, who used to cry even when she watched sad animes and dramas, it was too much. I just experienced the heartbreak of my good friend, in front of my own eyes. Consequently, I started rethinking about the things I did. I shouldn't have hyped up Alvin, I shouldn't have scolded Ryan, I shouldn't have involved myself in this, at all. What if Ryan blames me? What if Alvin gets angry with me? My head started hurting. I came to my senses when I saw Ryan getting up and running away, saying to himself, "I have to stop Alvin. Where could have he gone?"

Lisley stood there looking blank. I went up to her and said, "What now, Lisley? It's a big mistake."

"Says who? Go through it. You wanted to be a part of this love.", she said.

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