The proposal...#2

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The next day, Alvin arrived few minutes after me and Lisley and was all-smiles. "Hey!", he said waving. He was wearing a T-shirt with "zero fucks given", written on it. Very intense. Well I never knew he could be this emotional and dramatic. Melodramatic, to be precise. The way he left the other day was way too similar to the Korean dramas I watch. Please don't be angry but my life is all about Korean songs, dramas and Japanese animes. Everytime I get in a situation, I try to find similarities with the things I watch. It's a bad habit, I, sorry! Anyways.

Lisley was too scared of Alvin so she said to me, "Listen Anna, if he fires Alvin, I am going to quit too. It is very unprofessional to fire people because of a simple proposal."

"I will not quit, sorry. Mom will kill me if I do.", I said and looked back at my monitor.

"Thanks Lisley. I appreciate it but you don't have to quit for me. Like Anna said, I just let him know the thing. It was not a confession. And I am not sad or angry. I have BTS.", he said and winked at me.

"Exactly...", I said.

"Why did I even care!!", said Lisley, annoyed.

Alvin and I giggled.

Minutes later, Ryan appeared with a file in his hand. "Good morning!!", three of us said in unison almost like students wishing their teachers. Ryan was a bit surprised to see the extra amount of happiness in our cubicle. Without wasting anymore time he instructed us and left.

We worked for the rest of the day like robots, occasionally talking about the weather and if Alvin was okay. The only time we stood up was during the break. We were having our home made lunch and Alvin was listening to songs on his new airpods. Lisley took one of the airpods and put it on her ear. She immediately took it off and put it back on Alvin's ear. "What?", I said.

"He is again listening to some gibberish. I don't understand.", she said.

"It's Korean not gibberish.", I said.

"Oh well.", she said and pointed Alvin's 'zero fucks given' T-shirt.

"Okay...what are you listening to, Alvin?", I asked.

"Spring Day.", he said with a straight face.

"Are you really fine, Alvin? Tell me. Please. Why are you listening to Spring Day? Didn't you say it makes you cry?", I asked.

"What's wrong with Spring Day?", asked Lisley, confused.

"Google the lyrics. I don't really want to explain it to you, right now.", I said.

"I really want to cry but I can't, so...never mind!!", Alvin said and turned to his computer.

Really, Alvin? Really? He was so melodramatic, goodness!! I initially felt like slapping him. But then I realised that not everyone takes love so seriously. I excused myself and went to Ryan's office. He smiled brightly the moment he saw me approach his partly-glass, partly-wood office.

"What's up pumpkin?", he said, opening the door for me.

"Do you realise what you have done, Ryan? You took away his gleeful attitude! Now I have to work with one sadist and one zombie.", I said.

"He did that to himself...why am I being accused?", he pouted.

"Well, you could have told him that in some other way. You just contradicted yourself. Remember, you said that you would accept anyone who accepts you. That's why he confessed.", I said.

"But isn't it abnormal? I mean this same-sex thing?", he asked.

"Where are you from? The 1800s?", I asked, "Open your mind, Ryan. Nobody's going to put you in jail if you just give him a chance!"

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