To be a part of love...

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People like me or complete geeks like me take no interest in love relationships which are normal. It always has to be something extraoridinary. That's why I am so eagerly telling you this story, I guess. And the lovers? Well, this is their story. And they held me responsible for everything that happened in their love life. That day, after Ryan proposed Alvin, Lisley and I returned back without Alvin. Ryan said that they would return two days later. So Lisley and I filled up for Alvin for the next two days. On the third day, Alvin returned to work, looking all fresh and happy and anyone who would see him for the first time, may think that he won a lottery!

Days passed with them being lovey-dovey, Alvin throwing tantrums, Lisley flirting with the new section-head, Ryan coming and checking us in intervals, Julia raising her eyebrows whenever Ryan and Alvin stared at each other and so on. One day when Lisley saw Ryan smile at Alvin from his half-glass office, she said,

"I never thought about this development, you know? I mean how?"

"Ryan opened his narrow mind, I guess...", I said, thinking about my own state of mind when I lectured Ryan, that evening.

"I wasn't so sure of it, but thank you so much for doing this, Anna", Alvin said.

"Stop being dramatic, please. My head is hurting so bad.", I said.

"Whatever, you are the reason this happened and also Lisley. Your dancing with me helped a lot too.", he winked at Lisley.

"What the...!", Lisley gasped.

"Yes, believe me. You know what he said to me later that night? 'I really missed that smile you gave me the first time we met. And I saw that same smile when you were dancing with her. I was angry with myself. I felt jealous.', is what he said. And I was like, 'Gosh! You are so cheesy!', but I just smiled.", Alvin said and looked at us for reactions.

I clapped.

Lisley nodded and turned back at the computer.

"What??", asked Alvin.

"You know I saw this new cake last night, three layers of strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. I want to try it. You in Lisley?", I asked.

"Sure dude!", she said.

"Yes, show me your butts from now on. I knew this would happen. Ryan is taking me to a restaurant tonight for dinner, so here's my butt for you guys too.", he said angrily.

After 3 months, they had their first fight.

"Wow!! They just had their first fight! Let's celebrate...", I clapped, when Lisley signalled me stop talking.

And I was the most enthusiastic when Ryan was explaining how Alvin was wrong. They just thought of moving in together and now the question was, whose house do they move to? Ryan's or Alvin's? Ryan wanted it to be his own house because it was spacious, bigger and closer to the workplace than Alvin's. Alvin said living together was the main idea and other reasons are not relevant.

Lisley, after stirring her coffee for about 10 times, said, "Get a new house. "


Ryan and Alvin both looked up from their food, shocked. Alvin was about to shout at Lisley when Ryan said, "Please be serious. I am not joking."

"Let's toss.", I said.

"Yes! Yes! Toss! That will be perfect.", Alvin shouted so loud that the couple at the next table, stopped feeding each other and looked at us.

"Why the hell are you getting so excited about it, you punk?" asked Ryan.

"Head: Ryan. Tail: Alvin.", I said and flipped the coin.

To Be A Part Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now