The surprise...

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I think Ryan was really a baby. He just had this huge body outside and it was useless. You could call him handsome-without-hope. Or the male version of beauty without brains. I will explain why but before that there's more.

While Lisley and I were arguing at midnight, the nurse came out of the cabin and told us, "He is awake." and ran away in a flash. She came back with another nurse and they hurriedly entered the cabin. Minutes later one of them came out and said, "You guys may come in and see him. He wants to talk to his son." We went in and found uncle staring at the ceiling. Ryan went and sat on the side of the bed.

"I guys stick together all the time, right? I knew both of them would be here.", uncle said.

"Oh yes! We came here immediately after hearing about you. How are you feeling?", Lisley said.

"Better but I don't think I will be better than this.", he said and sighed.

"Dad please!", Ryan said.

"Oh yes! And it would be better for you too, right. You can do anything you want!", his dad smirked.

Ryan got up and went out of the room.

"You made him angry,  uncle.", I said.

"Isn't it fair? He should be angry with me. I didn't accept his love."

"What?? You are thinking about that, now?", Lisley gasped.

"Yes, of course. Also about how you two are supporting him. Where is that person? What was his name...oh yes, Alvin. Where is he? What is he doing now?"

"He is in another country. And he is still going through the heartbreak. We just got to know that he broke up with Ryan just so you don't disown him, and left, even after Ryan begged him not to.", I said.

"So they are really serious, huh? I saw Ryan the other day. He was not in a good shape. I feel bad for him", uncle said.

"How about we talk tommorrow? You should rest uncle.", I said.

"Oh yes. Really!", Lisley joined me.

"But I want to talk!", he said.

"In the morning. Please.", I said.

"Okay! But you guys should make sure that my son is happy. I just didn't understand him. And tell him I am sorry. Who knows, I might not be alive till morning.", he said.

"You should really try sleeping.", Lisley said, joining her hands.

When we came outside, Ryan was already asleep on the chairs. We too, sat and heaved a sigh of relief.
In the morning, aunty and two elderly men came. After they met Ryan's dad we entered again. "How are you feeling?", Lisley asked.

"Seems like I have to live a bit more. It's not yet time.", he said.

Lisley and I giggled along with uncle. Ryan was like, "My dad just came back from death and you guys are laughing??"

"Don't you people have work today?", uncle asked.

"Yes, we will leave soon. It's off for your son though.", I said.

"Good. Then, Ryan I will talk to you later. Would you leave us alone for a while? I want to talk to these ladies.", he said.

After he left, uncle said, "I want to meet Alvin. Can you help me?"

"We are on it, uncle. But he doesn't talk to us anymore. We have got his address but we are not sure what to do.", Lisley said.

"Does he still love my son? Or is it all over!", he said sadly.

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