Ch. 3 Bowling

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I speed walked past the security guard, briefly stopping for a quick polite nod in his direction and hurriedly entered the bowling alley through the sliding doors. I was late and it was the worst day to be late. We haven't bowled in like, a whole month. I scanned the room, and there, pacing in our usual lane, Luke was staring at his watch. When he saw me, his face relaxed and he gave me a smile of relief and hopefully forgiveness. "Abby can't make it, she's really sick" he said. "Well, I guess it's just you and me, amigo." I exclaimed.
Now, don't be fooled, we bowl all the time, but I never said that I was any good. I'm actually quite bad. I pick up a ball about eight pounds and hurl it down the gutter. "Let me show you how it's done." He said. He grabbed a ball. When I took a better look, I saw the weight. Holy crap! The ball is sixteen pounds! That's double mine! Then, right before he sent the ball right down the middle of the lane, sending all the pins crashing down loudly, I looked at him. I really looked. He has gotten a lot taller and any baby fat he had, is now long gone. He has gotten stronger too. He wore his usual getup tonight, which consists of a muscle shirt and basketball shorts with his new running shoes, showing off his obvious muscle. His hair was a dark brown matching his eyes, which I adore. His skin is tanned to perfection and virtually flawless. Now that I'm thinking about it, I totally understand why Seth would be jealous, but I wonder if Luke knows. I doubt it. He is really humble and down to earth. I'll have to tell him sometime, but not now.
Once he had put me to shame, he helped me and showed me his technique. He grasped my wrist and altered my stance. He brought my hand back and swung. The ball rolled down the lane and when it reached the pins..... pause for dramatic effect... it knocked down TWO!!! He seemed amused at my obvious excitement. Two hours later, he drove me home and I walked up the stairs and collapsed into my welcoming bed. My phone buzzed on my nightstand. Three new messages. Abby: Night, sorry I couldn't make it!, Luke: Night, Kate ;), and the third,...the name made my heart skip a beat. Nick. Nick: Night Katie, I miss you. I miss you all. Be home soon. Have an amazing spring break! ;) After I responded I fell into a deep sleep filled with a mixture of amazing dreams and awful ones.

~Note from Author:
*Bare with me guys! Sorry the first few chapters are so short, but they'll get longer, promise. I like to keep them interesting, quick, and sweet right at the beginning to kinda of give the readers a feel for the story. *

Cover pic=Abby

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