Ch 5. Fun Day and Nick's Return

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Abby: I'm feeling better today, but I'm going shopping with my mom, so it'll just be you and Luke for your secret day of fun! But meet me at my house around 4:30pm!!!!! Me: K c u then.

When I walked downstairs, I spotted Luke sitting comfortably in a stool eating pancakes. "Hey, sleeping beauty, thought you'd never wake up." "I made pancakes." He said with a grin. Excitement. His emotion radar was off the telepathic scale today. That made my blood pump a little faster. After we ate, he BLINDFOLDED me and guided me to the truck. We drove probably thirty minutes or so. "Are you ready?!" He asked. "Yes!!!!" I exclaimed. He took off the blindfold and my mouth was certainly agape. TEEN THEME PARK!!!! The hot spot of the Tampa Bay Area!!!! We rode every ride you can possibly think of. We also pretty much emptied all the nearby cotton candy stands along the way. I mean honestly, they need more of those. Once, on one of the rides, Luke lost his hat, which he forgot to take off. My favorite one too, an extreme disappointment. When it got to be about lunch, we stopped by food stand and grabbed some sandwiches. Luke had a little extra which he tried to give to the birds, but most of it ended up on the faces of poor nearby pedestrians. Smooth.
When it got to be around 4:30pm Luke dropped me off at Abby's because apparently he had "business" to attend to and Abby wanted to hang out. Not long after that we headed to the park to meet up with Luke. His message said, "Meet me by the big tree." We new the tree he spoke of all too well. It was our childhood hangout. But when we got to the tree I didn't see him. I turned around looking to see if he was just late, but then arms grasped me from behind. When I turned around in the all too familiar arms, it was Nick. I couldn't control my smile. "I got back early!" He exclaimed. You see, Nick's family is from Australia and he left a week before Spring break to visit. Although he never really lived in Australia, he actually did inherit a bit of an accent from somewhere...where I do not know, but I LOVED it. Luke and Abby were grinning deviously. They had been planning this all along, behind my back!!! But I couldn't be mad. Nick is back!!!! "I think we should go skating tomorrow!" Nick said, winking at me. Ohhhh why does he do it to me. He knows how lousy I am at skating! Whatever. We went home early because Nick was tired from the flight, Abby was swamped from her day of shopping, and Luke and I were exhausted from our day of fun, but I could hardly wait for tomorrow!

Cover pic=Katelynn

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