Ch 4. The Movies

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Dang, I forgot to turn off my alarm for Spring Break. Well, it's a good thing that my friends are early risers, because otherwise I'd be bored to death sitting here waiting to go hang with them.
Oh did I forget to mention that my friends and I all live on the same street? Ya, it's a dream come true. Well, our mom's have been friends since like, the dawn of time and when they all found out that they were pregnant they decided to change the scenery a bit and move in to a nice neighborhood, so that we could grow up together. Sixteen years later, and here we are.
I quite literally roll out of my bed, though not very gracefully. The sheets were wrapped around my legs, so I'm in a bit of an awkward position right now. Once I manage to escape, I get up and grab my phone off the charger. I glance at my reflection on my way downstairs, presentable. Luckily for me, I usually don't wake up looking like a hobo, which I can't say is true for everyone. *cough, Abby*, but she pulls it off. The majority of the problem, I think, is her hair. She's a long, curly haired redhead. Her eyes are a really pretty shade of hazel, and her light skin is dusted with adorable freckles. Anyway, her hair is also REALLY thick, so she usually looks like a lion in the mornings. Whereas my hair is still long, but it's not very thick. It's blonde, a nice contrast to my tan, and it isn't curly at all. "Oh, ow!" I definitely did not just miss a step on the staircase... I enter the kitchen and there is a note on the island. ~HAD TO LEAVE EARLY. POP TARTS IN THE CABINET. HAVE FUN TODAY. :) ~ I smile. I love my mom, she really is the best. I check my phone. One message: *ABBY: Still sick! Worst spring break ever!!!* I reply with some words of encouragement, grab two Pop Tarts, and plop down on the couch. Then exactly as expected, the window opens. Luke slides in and shuts it behind him. He grins and joins me on the couch. "You know, we have a front door. You don't always have to come in through the window." I say. "But that would ruin the fun of it, wouldn't it?" He replies, with a smirk. I toss him the second Pop Tart. "So what do you want to do today, Kate?" He says propping his feet on my legs. Hmmm...... "Lets go see that new action film!" I offer. His eyes light up. I think we're in agreement.
After a few hours of snacking and watching stupid reality tv shows, Luke elbowed me in the ribs. "Come on! Let's go out and do something. Get some clothes on and let's hit the road!" He exclaims. "Unless you want to go out in that." He says gesturing towards my pajamas, scrunching up his nose. I glance down. I'm wearing my cute Capri sweatpants and an oversized plain white shirt. I roll my eyes and head upstairs. It's pretty hot out, but that's kind of something expected I guess, if you live in Florida, so I grab a pair of my favorite shorts. They are just cutoffs, nothing special, but they're cute and super comfy. Then I put on my favorite sleeveless tee. It's gray with a really adorable tribal pattern on it. I slide on my converse and grab my brush. I quickly comb through it until it looks good and grab my aviators. I grab some money off my dresser, put my phone in my pocket, and headed downstairs. Luke was waiting at the bottom step. His outfit was a little different today. He wore a plain white shirt, which really complimented his tan might I add, and shorts. He puts on his sunglasses that look a lot like mine and we head out the door. There waiting for us was his monstrous truck.
We got to the movie around eight. We sat close to the back where there weren't a lot of people. Yes! The lights are dimming. I always get excited when that happens. As the movie starts, I can't help but yawn because the cinema always makes me sleepy. "Kate!" I hear, as I jolt awake. "What!!!" I yell quite loudly. I lift my head guiltily, because I just realized that I was leaning on his shoulder and most definitely just burst his eardrums. "The movie is over." He says, lifting me to my feet. "Aww, Luke! Why didn't you wake me! I wanted to watch that!" I complain. "Are you serious?!" He says. "I tried, but sorry honey, you wouldn't have it." Familiar laughter was approaching from behind us. Our smiles were quickly replaced. "Aren't you two adorable together, don't act like you didn't love little miss Katelynn all up on you Meyers!" Seth says. He and his clique apparently think that's the funniest thing they have ever heard in their life, because they are cracking up and snorting very unattractively. They're like a bunch of barn animals. "Who said I denied that Ross? Your just jealous because you couldn't pick up a girl even if you weren't ugly 'cause you've got no freaking personality." Luke retorts. I couldn't help but laugh because that was awesome. Seth had a weird look on his face after the whole "Who said I denied that?" part, but quickly recovers and rolls his eyes. I mean Luke was just joking. Right?.... Yes, yes of course he was. What am I thinking? "Whatever." Seth said and surprisingly, walked off. Weird, I was expecting it to get a little more interesting after that, but nope. What a disappointment. "Come on." I say grabbing his wrist and dragging him out of the building. We stopped by the ice cream stand on the way home. We got our usuals mint chocolate chip and cookie dough. I got the cookie dough this time, but we both like each about the same. We talked a while on a nearby bench for a while, while we were eating our ice cream. Simultaneously our phones buzzed. ABBY:*Still sick won't be doing anything 2morrow, have fun, txt me pics and stuff.* After replying, I ask Luke, "What are we doing tomorrow?" He smiles deviously. "It's a surprise." He says, wriggling his eyebrows. Ugh, I hate surprises. I am a very impatient person. He drops me off at my house and I walk in the front door, exhausted. I say hey to my mom and head up to my bedroom, where I fall asleep without even changing my clothes. I let my mind drift off to an even happier place. Dreams. Oh, how I love dreams.

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