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Liked by Louist91, Gemmastyles and 1,680,002 others.

@harrystyles: She's two!! Happy birthday bean.. we all love you so so much!! The ukulele is as big as you.. definitely got your dada's height.. ❤️😂x

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"Really Haz?" Louis chuckled at his husband as he posted his birthday post for Darcy who was sat in front of the TV with her eyes glued on Peppa Pig adorably. Ellie was having some tummy time on her playmat besides the birthday girl, trying to kick her tiny legs up. She was surprisingly close to being able to sit up considering she was only four months and it was worrying Louis a little bit about how quick she was developing, but Harry kept convincing him that it was normal and possible and even phoned their GP just to double check.

"What Lou?" Harry cheekily smiled, his dimples showing as he entered the lounge properly and sat besides Louis on the sofa, Louis instinctively snuggling into Harry's side, Harry's left arm snaking around Louis' waist protectively.

"Darcy has her 'dadas' height?? I thought she was quite tall for her age.." Louis mumbled, playing with the hem of Harry's shirt as Harry pulled him impossibly closer and kissed the mop of hair on Louis' head.

"Darcy is adorable just like you.. although I guess at playgroup she is the tallest. I don't know really. I think Ellie is going to be taller than her." Harry stated, pursing his lips as his focus moved from Louis to their two baby girls on the floor, Ellie making gurgling noises whilst Darcy just continued to stare at Peppa and Suzie on the screen. Harry wouldn't be surprised if she had to wear glasses when she was older despite the fact that both her parents didn't need them.

"I think the opposite.. Ellie has just a little bit of a more curvy frame than Darcy ever did at that age and Darcy was a lankier baby. Like you said though, I don't know. Just motherly instincts I guess." Louis also now pursed his lips, looking fondly at his daughters with pride.

"Maybe you're right Loubear." Harry almost whispered softly, kissing Louis' head again before Darcy spoke up.

"Joose please Dada?" She asked, pointing towards her empty sippy cup.

"Of course, baby girl." Louis smiled, standing up and laughing at Harry as he pouted from the loss of contact. "Do you want anything else?"

"Crown?" She referred to the plastic, birthday crown that Lottie brought for her just for this occasion and it had a massive number 2 right on the front alongside fake pink jewels. Louis had a feeling that Lottie just went into Asda and got it from the costume section but little kids are entertained by anything and Louis was actually happy that Lottie didn't spend much. Firstly, Darcy had quite a lot as it was and secondly, Louis and Harry both agreed that they didn't want their kids to grow up spoilt.

"Here you go my Princess." Harry grinned as he passed his eldest daughter the crown from the coffee table conveniently on his right. "What do you say Darcy?"

"Fank you." Darcy spoke adorably, adjusting the crown on top of her head and even though it was still lopsided she was happy.

Louis was a little bit paranoid about when she said thank you in public because sometimes it sounded more like "fuck you" and it'd always send Harry into a fit of giggles but Louis didn't like to correct her all the time so only sometimes would he try to make her say it correctly. But the other problem there is because of Louis' Doncaster accent, he doesn't say thanks properly either so really, he's just being a hypocrite.

But he pushed that aside, laughed with his husband as Darcy smiled happily and Ellie gurgled some more before walking out to their kitchen to get Darcy the juice she requested.

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