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Liked by Harrystyles, Lottietomlinson and 1,988,565 others.

@louist91: Baby Ellie is two!! What the hell?? Happy birthday to my youngest princess.. you're beautiful baby! I really hope you have a lovely day! And I can feel it in my gut that you're gonna go far!! 🥰❤️x

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Louis POV.

"Goodnight baby.. I'm glad you had fun today." I whispered to a now sleeping Ellie, gently kissing her cheek before standing up straight and walking out of her baby-pink room, making sure that her door was only letting a smidgen of light inside. I wore a fond smile on my face, wandering over to Darcys door and poking my head inside to see Harry perched on her bed, lightly stroking her blonde hair as she curled in on herself and fell into a slumber.

It was obvious that Harry and I both really enjoyed fatherhood and being parents to stunning children. Despite the tantrums and the shitty nappies and all the lessons you have to teach them before they reach a certain age, Harry and I just loved being able to see our creations grow into these gorgeous kids with Harry's manners and my sassiness. And this was definitely showing when Harry stood up and left Darcys side, walking over to me with the proudest grin on his handsome face.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" I mumbled softly whilst Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulder, both of us focusing on our eldest daughter sleeping peacefully.

"For sure, Lou. They're just like you." Harry replied quietly to my rhetorical question, trying to look down at me, but I'm sure all he could see was the fluff of my brown hair as I rested my head on the inside of his right shoulder. He smelt of home: this musky, sweet scent that makes your heart flutter and your body feel warm.

"Pfft.. I think they're more like you." I gently poked his chest with my index finger, feeling his chin skim the top of my hair as he shook his head in disagreement. But as he did this, I couldn't help but to yawn, shifting my position until my nose was in the crook of Harry's neck. It was only silent, but the way my eyes began to close signalled to him that I was tired from such a long day of doing nothing but watching Ellie's favourite films. We had collectively decided as a family to celebrate her birthday properly with relatives, so we were going bowling that weekend with Lottie, Daisy and Phoebe. Gemma apologised constantly about how she couldn't make it, but she had a good reason and it was fine that she couldn't come down and visit.

"I think our bed is calling your name, boo bear." Harry spoke in a hushed tone, slowly ushering us both out of the door of Darcys bedroom before we woke her up with our chattering.

Harry took his arm off from around my shoulder and instead opted for loosely holding my hand, leading the way towards our bedroom with the only sound in the house being the pattering of our bare feet. The door opened with a slight creek, greeting me with our dimly lit room, the lamps on our bedside tables being the only source of light. Drowsily, I  tiptoed to our bed, not even caring about the denim jeans I was wearing as I clambered onto my side: the left side. However, Harry obviously did care as for he made sure to get to my side before I pulled the covers over my legs.

"No no no.." Through his words, he chuckled at me protesting, knowing exactly what he was going to say and do. "Lou, you know you can't sleep in jeans baby." And even though I was sleepy, he happily began to unbutton them for me, easily pulling down the flyer before slipping them off of my legs. I shivered at the sudden coldness but I was relieved when I noticed Harry beginning to pull the covers over my lower half.  I'm certain he whispered "you're so adorable" under his breath, but I didn't want to assume so instead I just watched him as he undid his own button and belt, moving the flyer and slipping out of his black skinnies.

It was only nine at night, but I felt drained, my brain no longer wanting to stay awake. But that changed when I remembered something I wanted to tell Harry.

Immediately, I sat up straight in bed, my back now resting against the headboard as a slightly startled and half-naked Harry climbed into bed besides me, instinctively shifting closer until our thighs were touching. "What's up now, sweetcheeks?" The rasp in his voice was hot and his worry for my sudden consciousness was endearing, my heart was swelling by the second, but it didn't heal the pinch of anxiety I felt for telling Harry.

I could feel my own pulse beating in my constricted chest, causing me to ruffle my own hair nervously as I bit my lip, piecing words together to form a sentence that was coherent and made sense. "I, uhm.. well I kinda-"

"-Hey, no need to get worked up Lou." Harry interrupted me with his soothing tone, now twisting his body so that he could face me properly. It was only then that I realised he'd thrown his hair up into a really messy bun and there was one strand of curls hanging in front of his face. I couldn't help but to reach out and tuck it behind his ear, making both of us giggle slightly like we were a giddy high school couple.

"You're handsome." I uttered, leaning forward to capture our lips in a somewhat sultry kiss that I'd been craving for the last five minutes. My husband was just too darn attractive.

"I know babe." He mocked a cocky guy and flicked his hair behind his shoulder knowingly, pouting as if he was taking a selfie or trying to be overly 'sexy'. But that act of goofiness was something that turned me on more than any obnoxious man ever could.

I belly laughed, watching him crack a toothy smile too as I threw my head back and cackled at his adorable act. Sometimes I just sit and ponder about how lucky I am to have such a humorous, caring, kind, passionate and gorgeous husband because he is definitely all of those things and more.

"So now I've got my not anxious Louis back, what's on your mind pumpkin?"

"We've talked about it before but I, uh, finally realised how I really feel." I watched Harry lick his lips, his emerald eyes focusing on my blue ones as I still tried to find a way to say what I thought. "I want another kid, Haz."

His mouth instantly broke into yet another smile, his green orbs wide with happiness before he pulled me into his chest and embraced the shit out of me. His grasp on me was overwhelmingly fantastic, and I couldn't help but to cry out of pure relief that he wasn't mad at me for wanting another. Niall was right once again; Harry doesn't get angry at anything besides silly kid shows that normalise things that are really unrealistic and/or stupid.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say those words Louis.." Harry's voice broke as he said that, pulling out of the hug but still holding my shoulders firmly with his hands.

"Wait.. really? You really do want another Harold??" I was now stupidly wiping away the tears rolling down my flushed cheeks, watching Harry bite at his lip as he nodded his head eagerly. "Oh thank goodness!" I grinned out of relief, feeling Harry pulling me into another hug. But this time it lead to a kiss with some tongue and spooning until we both fell asleep, the last words of the night being spoken by a tired yet excited Harry:

"We'll have to get started on that tomorrow then, baby."

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