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Louis' POV.

Being overdue sucked as much as I suck dick. The tightness of your stomach, the swollen feet, an aching back, the braxton hicks; everything hurt like hell and I forgot how bad it was until I woke up with a wet patch underneath my ass at two in the morning. My knuckles were turning white from where I was grasping the bed sheets so hard, throwing my head back against the headboard with my eyes squeezed shut, tears already rolling down my cheeks. "Oof baby.. you coming now or what?" I fidgeted, trying to sit up straighter, my left hand still clutching the bed, my right hand on my stomach which kept moving with my rigid breathing pattern.

To say I was relieved when I heard Harry waking up besides me would be an understatement because I genuinely felt like I couldn't move. I didn't want to scream because that would make me an over dramatic whiner and it would wake up the girls, so I just decided to groan quietly and keep it under my breath too. That was until he turned around to me and realised everything that was happening. I mean, this was the third time now.

I think maybe it was the fact that I was sweating like a pig and going bright red in the face that sent him into panic mode. He instantly called for Anne who was in the room next door, ready for our panicked call and because Anne is such a queen, she instantly ran into our room, crouching down besides me and offering her hands for me to squeeze. She was also a constant reminder to breathe because for some reason during labour, you forget to do that.

Harry, however, was struggling with all the distress; he just kind of froze in a trance, sat besides me in our bed. "Harry, dear.. I need you to grab the hospital bag and a few towels just in case! No time for an ambulance.. his water has broke. We need to move as quick as possible!" Anne demanded somewhat kindly as I scrunched up my face in pain, squeezing her hand so tight that I swear I could hear her poor fingers breaking.

Harry was running around like a headless chicken whilst Anne tried to help me move by slinging my arm across her shoulder and allowing me to put practically all my weight on her. It was a hard task for all of us, but with the constant reassurance from Anne, everything seemed a little easier. I could've sworn that Darcy and Ellie weren't this painful this early into labour.

I just tried to keep breathing evenly but the sudden waves of pure agony were just horrifying, but I knew it would all result in something incredible and that's what I was trying to think about the most. The pain was worth it. Every second. Every tense muscle.

"C'mon Lou! You can do this." I heard Anne whisper in my ear as a form of encouragement as she helped me down the stairs, each step taking longer than what it should have. I didn't even know how my clumsy Harry had managed to get everything together so quickly because by the time I was leaning up against the front door panting like a running dog, he'd set towels over the passenger seat of the car, adjusted the baby seats in the back and the hospital bag was in the footwell.

"You'll be okay, Louis." Anne suddenly spoke in the midst of the drama, helping me out to the car and allowing me to clamber into our range rover. "Just remember to listen to your husband and the nurses. As soon as you're ready, I'll bring the girls over but for now, don't worry. I have everything under control."

I nodded, allowing her to kiss me on the cheek before she shuffled back to our front door, blowing kisses and waving us goodbye as we began our drive to A&E.

"Ugh.. this hurts." I muttered as Harry reached over the gearstick to lace our fingers together. He told me we were halfway to the hospital, but I still didn't quite believe we were that close, but it was reassuring to know Anne was at home with our other babies, making sure that everything was okay and calm.

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