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Liked by Louisisstraightxox, Harryismyhusband and 362,611 others.

@hollywoodlife: Fans are devastated, upset and displeased at Louis Styles-Tomlinson (25) as he lights up a cigarette on the streets of London after a business meeting. Everyone who does feel betrayed do have a reason for feeling like they do.. click here to read the full article.

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@harryismyhusband: Ha. 😂

@louiseyelashes: I don't understand why it's so wrong that he's smoking???? He's human.. right??

@louisisstraightxox: The pressure of having to pretend to be gay and have a family with a faggot must be taking its toll on poor Louis.

@lthater: Such a disgrace 🙄🙄🙄

@mrhottieharry: It's people like YOU who make Louis feel like shit for being a fucking human being and having rights. How fucking DARE you??? What is he even doing wrong??? Leave him the fuck alone you desperate, Low-life little bastards.

@loubear: @mrhottieharry 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@tommothetease101: Why can't you LEAVE HIM ALONE?!?!??!?!?!?

@ewwwwwwwww: Are we surprised?

@hendallisbae: Harry deserves better than a weakling 😂🤮

The full article:

Louis Styles-Tomlinson fans are absolutely devastated as he is spotted smoking.

Louis Styles-Tomlinson (25) is now under attack after being spotted outside a business meeting in London today lighting up a cigarette. Some may question why this is such a big deal.. here is why.

It was believed that Louis had recently quit smoking due to becoming a father of two, Darcy (3) and Ellie (1) because that's the logical thing to do, right? People say that the influence of a parent smoking makes the habit seem normal in the child's eyes. Therefore, people are upset at Louis for smoking again whilst have such vulnerable and easily-controlled children. Even though this is the only time in the last four years that we've seen him smoking, people believe he's been doing it behind closed doors for ages. Unfortunately, there is no evidence to back this up.

But that isn't the only reason that fans are upset. The Styles-Tomlinson family have a very influential, youthful fan base and parents are shaming Louis right now for making smoking seem okay. They feel displeased at the fact that their children are looking up to a man that makes something that is addictive seem normal when it's not. We have to agree with them on this one.

Extremely loyal fans argue that because it's November, Louis could be doing it to warm up slightly. He did look quite wrapped in the oversized hoodie, we have to say. Fans also argue that an addiction can not be helped unless he has gotten some professional help and advice because when he was pregnant, he very suddenly had to stop smoking. This would've made the urge and craving enhance. Alongside that, fans continue to say that Louis has told then before to not smoke and that he regrets even starting. He stated "It's a bad habit, yeah, yeah. I really hope my fans don't pick up on it.. I'm sure they're a lot smarter than I was at 14. I really regret ever asking for a toke of one every time my friend would light one up. Don't do it. I regret it, and you will too." This was stated back in 2014, way before he met Harry Styles-Tomlinson (23), his husband, in an interview with Paper Magazine.

We spoke to a psychologist as the images came out: "Louis needs to get a bit of responsibility not only for his children's well-being, but also for his fans" Says Dr Kim over the phone. "This is detrimental to his health, and possibly the kids health as well." She continues, tutting as she reviews the picture again.

At Hollywood Life we believe that Louis should at least try to hide the fact that he's returned to smoking instead of doing it in public. We are aware that he most likely can't help the urge, but doing it in front of your fans is going to be frowned upon. Also, with young kids, he should quit almost immediately.

Written by Beatrice Gordon.

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