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September 2022
(Time jump of six months)!

The sun had risen early on that autumn morning, seeping in through our bedroom curtains and catching my blue eyes almost immediately. The birds were chirping musically, a tune unrecognisable but equally elegant from just outside of the windowpane, with an accompaniment of the wind whistling, rustling leaves surprisingly loud. It was a joyous thing to wake up to and I had no problem with hopping out of bed and into the shower.

It was seven in the morning at this point and I overheard Darcys alarm shrill, most probably jolting her out of whatever dream she was having and into reality. It was now her second year of primary school and she seemed to enjoy it but it didn't stop me from being anxious about how people treated her. I wanted her to have a normal childhood; mine and Harry's reputation should not affect my child at all, in my opinion.

I combed and dried my hair quickly into a swoop, proud of how it'd been cut and layered recently and how it just seemed to style itself on my head. Bear in mind I never made an effort with my hair, this was a nice surprise. I then slipped on a navy and white striped top, some off-white jeans below my waist and I decided that when we had to leave the house, I could borrow Harry's shoes and take the dark blue blazer I nicked off of Lottie. The 'feminine' shaped blazers suited me way better than the men's, in mine and my husbands opinion.

After being seemingly happy with my appearance, I left our bedroom and tiptoed towards Ellie's bedroom, knocking on her wooden door and entering to find her snoring lightly. She was wrapped up in her lilac duvet, her favourite teddy, LuLu, held tightly in her grasp as she slept. It was undeniably adorable and I felt guilt as I cautiously approached her, carefully shaking her awake.

Instantly, she yawned, rubbing her teal eyes tiredly before stretching out, nearly whacking me in the face, but I didn't mind. Anything for my babies. "Hey poppet.. first day of school today." I whispered, my voice hoarse from lack of use so far that day. My hand found her knotted hair and out of habit, my hands carded themselves through her locks.

"Dada.. it's early." She whined, looking at me straight and putting on an exaggerated pout.

"I know baby.. but you've been so excited for school!" I quietly exclaimed, reminding her of how eager she was to learn about new things last night. She loved preschool, so Harry and I were both expecting primary school to be no different.

"Yeah!" She suddenly cheered, sitting up straight and jumping into my lap, her tiny arms around my neck as my tattooed arms wrapped around her tiny middle. I have to admit: hugging my kids was probably the best award I could ever get. Almost every time it made my eyes sting with salty, proud tears.

"Okay then.. let's get you downstairs for brekkie." I smiled fondly at her, watching her happily rip the duvet off of her tiny form before standing up with me, triumphantly taking my hand and leading me down the stairs, into the kitchen.

I was surprised to see Darcy obediently sat at the table waiting for Ellie and I, her Disney Princess pyjamas looking comfy and cosy as she sat crossed legged on the chair. She looked at us with her doe eyes, joyfully getting up and off of the chair to come over to Ellie and I.

"Mornin'!" She grinned tiredly, hugging Ellie tightly which caused her to let go of my hand before leading Ellie over to the corner where I've left them a few toys. I always like them to be in sight so I set up a little play area in the kitchen so that I can see them when cooking. I'm overprotective, I'm aware.

Not Just A Rumour ~ L.S (Instagram AU)Where stories live. Discover now