defending the girl

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"Not everything is about you MC." One of the girls mumbles loud enough for me to hear it. My eyes widen and I turn to look at mc. She looks down obviously hurt by the comment but says nothing. The other girls say nothing, nobody tries to defend her. I say nothing as to not want to get involved and mc soon is smiling again so I figure everything is fine. Until the next morning. I wake up pretty early in the morning to the sound of sniffles coming from the dressing room. I turn to kiss mc when I realize she's not there, I put two and two together. "Shit." I grumble as I hop out off bed and tip toe over to the sound of what is now full on sobbing. I quietly walk in and then shut the door behind me. "Darling?" I question. She looks up unable to speak as another sob falls out of her mouth. I say nothing else as I grab her and hold her tightly. I rub her head and kiss the top of it. After awhile she has gone back to just sniffling so I decide to use this as an opportunity to find out what happened. "What's wrong darling?" I whisper in her ear. "I am so done with this place, I hate it here. Well besides you obviously. But the girls treat me like shit, I'm always told my opinion doesn't matter or I talk too much or I'm too nosy." She wipes away a tear. "Shit I thought I heard someone say something but I figured it was a joke because how could anyone be mean to you." I think about how stupid I had been and frown at myself. "I want to leave the island." She sighs. my eyes widen, "darling if you ever wanna leave I'll leave with you, but first I need to do something." She looked at me confused. We sat in silence holding each other for a few hours before getting back in bed before the others woke up. After breakfast I pulled Gary and Noah over and asked them to hang out with Mc today. They agreed and the three of them were soon working out, mc upshowing the two boys like always. Lucky for me all the girls were sitting by the pool. "Hey Bobby!" Jo winked as I walked over. I mentally barfed, she always tried flirting with me but she was literally a disgusting human who nobody seemed to like. "I need to talk to you girls." I ignore her hello and my voice is full of anger already. Lottie notices and looks over at me. "What's your issue?" She asks confused. "Ok this has been going on for awhile apparently but what is your issues with MC?" I ask. "What do you mean we love her!" Chelsea smiles. "Then what is with the comments about her?" I retort. The girls all look down. "She's just too much sometimes." Hope says rolling her eyes. I see Lottie and Hannah nod "Yeah and she think she's hot shit when she's really average." Jo smirks. Chelsea frowns at this comment as if to disagree. "You know what You are entitled to your wrong opinion." I begin to find myself yelling. (Shoutout to dance moms for that quote). "But you guys have no right to make her feel like shit constantly, last night she sobbed for hours over you guys and your comments. She doesn't even want to be here anymore." I am overflowing with anger at this point. "Good." Jo snorts. The other girls begin to look sad. "We didn't realize.." Lottie looks down. "No you don't get to say that shit, cause you must realize saying hurtful shit to her and probably behind her back is going to hurt her feelings. I'm done with this shit you guys can't keep talking to her like this. She is the best person on this island, besides her beauty on the outside. Her personality is the most beautiful thing here. The fact that you guys want to crush her and her spirit speaks a lot more about you then it does about her." I am now speaking calmly as I really don't care about these girls or this island. I walk away my normally fun personality is on a break right now cause I am fuming. These girls are awful to my love and I haven't done anything about it until now two weeks before the finale. I decide to sit alone on the daybeds for awhile. Until I hear light footsteps. "Hey." The voice, the one that always brightens my day. I turn and instantly smile, "hi darling how was your day?" I kiss her on the head. "I heard about what you told the girls and I just wanted to thank you." She smiles weakly. "Let's leave." I interrupt her. "What? But you told the girls to stop. "Yeah but I don't wanna spend anymore of my summer with them. I just want it to be you and me. We can go on holiday somewhere nice." I say sincerely. "But only if you want to." I add. "Yes Bobby yes a million times yes, I don't care about winning or the money. Just you." That night while everyone was sleeping we snuck out off the island but first we left a note. "I guess not everything is about me, but it definitely is not about you! Xoxo mc and Bobby". We giggled and ran off to the Jeep waiting for us outside. "Now it's time for the real paradise." I kiss her happily.

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