Chapter 1: Lost Memories

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After everyone left, I opened the lights with my tiny height and walks to the mirror. 

Until now, I cannot get used to it. My previous body has a height of 5'7 feet and is quite pretty. This body is currently six years old so of course, I'm little. My features are above average but plain enough to be ignored. But I am currently hoping I will also grow tall in this body.

My parents and brother are also tall so I will also grow up tall.

"What the heck is happening here...?" I muttered.

No matter what, I couldn't comprehend the situation. I was just on the battlefield, protecting my homeland from terrorists. Many of my comrades died in the battlefield. Yet I still hope that the country still won against them.

I died or maybe I didn't. Maybe this is a dream, maybe it isn't. I don't know. But no matter what, I want to go back. I want to go back there and protect my homeland. If I am alive again, I wish I was resurrected in another body there instead of this body.

My family... huh? My family...? What is my family's name again? Why can't I remember anything? Why? Why can't I remember their faces and their names? Now that I think about it, I don't even remember my name... 

Thump-thump... Thump-thump...

"Arghhh... Argh!!!" I screamed. My head hurts. I tried to remember the past, but I couldn't.

My heart is beating too fast and I cannot breathe properly. I clutched my chest, trying to slow it down. Yet I couldn't keep my breathing stable.

Then I saw a glimpse of my appearance in the mirror.

Ugly black marks slowly appearing in my face. Then the marks on my face slowly started to heat up. It hurts. It really hurts.

I could no longer have strength in my knees. I could only fall as I try to bear the pain on my body.

My consciousness started to darken...

The last thing I hear is a maid's voice shouting for me.


Damn, I have a weak body. I don't what happened but it is not good. I felt like I'm dying. Every time I remembered it, I want to hide myself in the corner. 

Too weak, this body is too weak.

I started to regain my consciousness and slowly open my eyes. Yet for some reason, I can only see black everywhere. Am I dreaming? I wish I am.

I tried to look around me, but unfortunately, all I see is black. I cannot even see my own body.

"Alex?" I heard a sweet and calming voice calling my name. I look at the direction but unfortunately, I still cannot see.

"Mother..?" I asked. That sweet and calming voice can only be my mother. I continued, "Where are you?"

"I am here. Your mother is here" she softly said. Suddenly, I felt someone pushing me in their chest. Yet it was warm and calming.

"Why I cannot see you? Am I dreaming?" I asked. I really wish it is just a dream. Rather than dreaming a dream, I rather face my reality.

"My daughter...." she said. She didn't give me any response after that. Beyond this black world, I tried to touch her face. There, tears flow to my hand. 

"Mother, why are you crying?" I said as I try to wipe her tears. No one answered me and I couldn't hear a sound except from my mother, who was crying.

Without them telling me, I knew I am blind.


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