Chapter 9: The Key

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Third Person's Point of View

"What the heck is Alex doing? I was supposed to guard her" Lucas looks at his sister's back as she walks away with Corrine.

Meanwhile, Lucy is steadily drinking her cup as she observes the person in front of her. She chuckled, "If you guarded her, she won't be able to create friends on her own" 

She suddenly remembers his stance when he entered the gate. He has that fierce expression that anyone couldn't help but look at him.

"Anyway, why is it that you purposely drive my sister off?" Lucas asked. Lucy has long known that his sister, Alex, have been cursed.

"Isn't it a good reason for us to spend time together, my dear fiance?" Lucy smiled and continues, "Moreover, you were not that close to your sister previously"

Lucas had always been jealous of his sister before. She took both of his parent's attention away from him as well as the servants. She was smart and sensible, that almost everyone compares him to her. In front of their parents, he always displays that he gets along with his sister but behind their back, he was quite indifferent to Alex.

Only when Alex got into an accident did Lucas changed his attitude towards her.

Lucy has visited Alex before she got into an accident and had seen her relationship with her brother. It was not the worst, but it was not good either.

"Who wouldn't change their attitude after almost killing their own sister? Lots and lots of guilt swelled up to me just seeing her at that state"

After that, she woke up and forgot everything. Then she was cursed and turned into a blind person. Every time he saw her, only guilt rushes in his heart.

"It's good that your relationship with your sister has changed for good" Lucy said. Their relationship is now good and both of them cherish each other.

Maybe, that misfortune was also a blessing in disguise. 

"So? What is the reason why you drive Alex off?" Lucas 

"It is because I love you" Lucy straightforwardly said.

"You!!" Lucas' ears turned red. It can't be helped, Lucy was too bold against the shy him. He tries to hide his embarrassment and continues, "Y-You know I was given a task to guard Alex as she is blind and cursed. You will never drive her off unless there are more important matters"

"You're not completely stupid..." Lucy looks at him with a surprised face. Who would have thought there is still some intelligence inside his brain?

"Hey! The person who understood you the most is none other than me! After all, I'm your--!" He stopped as he realizes what is he doing.

"You're my what?" Lucas leans forward, looking straightly at his eyes. She cannot help but smile widely regardless of his frustration. 

"Y-your... Don't change the subject idiot!" Lucas shouted as he tries to calm himself down. How can he always be flustered when in front of her??!! 

"Fine..." Lucy pouted. She was quite enjoying teasing him. "Liberta has been seen moving in this country"

"Liberta?! You mean that organization that wants to annihilate magic?!" Lucas looks at her with a surprised face as he clenches his fist. For that group to finally move, a disaster might happen once more.

Liberta, an organization that dreams of having equality by annihilating magic. It's been two decades since they have last shown their presence. Despite being inactive for two years, their strength on magic is on equal terms of the top mages of Aldastan is still known. Yet despite knowing their goals, no one knows the reasons behind their crazy goal despite being mages themselves.

"Yes, it is that Liberta. We were able to trace them and is able to pinpoint them. Unfortunately, our men only died by their hands"

"It is Liberta after all. But why would they act now? Of all countries, why is it our country?"

"To annihilate magic, they have researched every means of destroying it. Magic came from mana. But no matter what, mana will always stay abundance as it came from living beings themselves and from it's surrounding. Yet even with that, they still haven't given up. No matter how many centuries will it take, they will do anything to accomplish their goal" Lucy explained.

Their goal, their origins, no one knows how it was formed. Luckily, Aldastan contained mages that could go match them equally. Thanks to that, they are able to gather information on small clues left by them.

Lucas' eyes and hands are both shaking. To think the day had finally come? Almost all people relies on magic just to live in their daily lives. Just imagining it to disappear would only cause chaos and disaster.

He calmly asked her, "So you're saying the key to their goal is here?"

"Yes," Lucy smiled softly. "We have recently found out that the key to annihilating all magic is on one person"

She continued, "That person wields both magic of creation and the destruction of everything"

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