Chapter 6: More exciting than I thought

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I hate dressing up. It was especially boring for a blind person like me. My imagination ran out with the so many changes I tried.

It was finally tomorrow and now I have to prepare myself to attend the would be a disastrous tea party.

Mother finally decided on one dress I should wear at the party. They said it is a cute white dress with black and red frills and ribbons. Luckily, they remembered I am a sickly person so they reduced the ornaments in my hair.

If they didn't, my neck would have break itself. Hahaha. It's not funny.

Brother will be with me during the tea party and will be protecting me against the bullies. But I don't need them I can protect myself. Unfortunately, I cannot tell them as I am a sickly and frail person.

How? Magic, duh. This is a fantasy world. Yet in my heart, I am still wishing that it will become futuristic. I still cannot forget my precious internet.

Every people will be gauged by their affinity through a Mage. It has to be an experienced mage since a person might berserk when they awaken their magic.

Each person has two affinities. Mine is healing and materialization. Though they don't know what is my materialization, everyone is glad that I got healing.

Of course, I couldn't heal my curse, it is, after all, a curse. It is not a disease.

"Are we there, mother?" I asked. Due to my sickly body, I couldn't handle the ride. I feel like I am going to puke. I need to go to a comfort room... I guess I should appreciate cars that I hate so much...

"You're too excited, Alex," my brother said.

I look to his direction with a blank face and said, "I want to puke" 

"Alex, you are a girl! You cannot talk like that!" my brother exclaimed.

Don't you know that your sister is already dying inside because of a carriage? Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I am not allowed to talk like that! We're both human beings! 

Unfortunately, I know my limits and I know this brother of mine will slap me on the back if I told what I thought. No matter how many times I said it to not do it, he still does it!

Seeing our relaxed conversation, our mother chuckled, "We're here"

The carriage stopped. I took my crane and exited with my brother and mother. For some odd reasons, I can feel many staring at me. I thought I will not pay heed on them, but it is not as easy as it is. Humans are very social creatures.

"It's alright, you are beautiful" my brother whispered to me. He must have felt my nervousness since I am holding his hand. Moreover, this is my debut in the nobility circle.

No matter how much I tried to deny I am not nervous, I am. I can only sigh in defeat and hold my brother's hand tightly.

"Marchioness Normandi and Lady Lucinda," my mother said. Brother then followed mother's lead and greeted them. From the looks of it, he knows them. Father must have also known them that's why he accepted the invitation.

Mother then introduced me to them.

"Marchioness Normandi and Lady Lucinda" I curtsy like I always practice with my tutors. I continued, "I am Alexandra Linn Xerxes"

I take it back that I am a bit nervous. I am more than nervous. I tried to hold my smile in my face. I can't see their faces so I don't know what their thinking. This makes me more nervous than ever.

"Don't be nervous, my child. Some children might be scared of your marks but most people here are good friends of your parents. Also, there will be some children who will be friendly with you"

Did father do that for me? Well, I'm thankful for what he did. I never expected that I will be nervous today. That means all people here know my circumstances. 

I let out a sigh of relief. I can finally relax amidst this atmosphere.

"I am Lucinda Normandi. It's nice to meet you, Lady Alexandra" a young girl's voice said as she introduced herself to me. 

"It's also nice to meet you, Lady Lucinda" I greeted her back.

Then suddenly, she clasped my hands as she cheerfully said, "Call me Lucy and I'll call you Alex!"

She got guts to talk like that. I don't mind though since I came from another world. But in terms of social standing, I am higher than her as I am a daughter of a duke.

But then again, what the heck is the social norms? Just inside my family, it's already a mess. Despite being a ducal household, my family acts differently among the nobles, said the servants. And those who have ties with the duke and the duchess are quite unique and defies the social norm.

Apparently, Marquis Normandi and his family seem to be like that too.

I nod and smiled at her as I accepted her offer. Then for a second, I felt someone holding a large killing intent. No, it was not a killing intent... This is...

The corner of my lips curves up. This party... might be more exciting than I thought it would be...


Hooray!! The story has reached more than a hundred views!!! I am very thankful to my readers!! To think I could reach this far... I'm very happy!!! Thank you very much for reading! Please look forward to the following chapters in the future! 

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