Chapter 19: Rain

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Hello guys! Hell week is almost over! The time for me to stop overnighting is almost! Gosh! I don't want the second semester to come. I know it will be another hell for me...

By the way, the girl on the top is Corrine! Isn't she beautiful?! Imagine having two opposite people being friends. That's Corrine and Alex together as well as me and my best friend!

Hope you enjoy the story!


Corrine's POV

I run through the streets and saw the building set on fire. The fire had burned more than ten buildings and houses already, killing hundreds of people.

My knees started to weaken and I can only fall down. Many people are crying, devastated from losing both their home and their families.

I tried to calm myself in front of Alex, but this time, I couldn't. There are people here whom I know very well. I have always visited as a young child...

Is this my fault? Do I have the curse to kill people? Why is my life like this?

Everyone around me is always being harmed because of me and my powers. My father, mother, and even my first friend, Alex, have been harmed because of my existence.

What should I do? I have this power yet I'm unable to do anything. The fire kept burning brightly, it is almost impossible to put it out even with magic.

I look at the sky and hoped it would rain. If it rained, wouldn't the fire would put out?

"That's right, I can do such thing" I muttered softly.

Ever since my parents knew about my magic, it had always been sealed as my parents are afraid of me slipping it up. They are afraid if I will be outcasted by the children or be put in dangerous experiments.

This time, I didn't put any seals as I am afraid that the incident would happen once more.

I just have to make it rain. This way, I would be able to compensate for the sin of my existence.

I am really weak. I had always blamed myself for everything. I couldn't even steal myself from facing this. I could probably look normal to other people, but in such situations, I would always blame myself.

I breathe in and out. Calming myself. I have to put rain in this city first. Alex's servant was also helping out the people, trying to put out the fire. This way, no one would notice me.

I started using magic without anyone noticing. My magic is chantless in the first place, so I had always trained myself on concealing it.

I'm glad that I listened to science class as creation magic needs to analyze or to know the process itself.

I need two winds to be able to create such rain. With the warm air at the top and the cold air at the bottom, I should be able to collect the warm moisture around this place.

"Watch out!" a loud sound warned me as he grabs me from my position.


A large wall crashes the ground, almost killing me. Still, I have to focus. I couldn't waste any time as this could result in the deaths of many people.

"Are you alright?" he asked yet I didn't answer. All of my thoughts were focused on one thing.

The temperature in the wind suddenly started to change.

Drip drop...

The sound of water droplets hitting the ground filled the air. At first, they were scattered, irregular droplets. They soon turned into heavy rain, pouring out the large fire.

"It rained..." I softly said as I looked up at the sky.

I'm glad it worked. In fact, I was afraid it might not work.

"Milady! Are you alright?!" he shouted, asking if I'm alright. It was only then I was pull back to reality once more.

"Y-yeah... I'm alright. Thank you for saving me" I almost forgot he was carrying me. I released myself from him and stand up in the ground once more.

"Thank you for saving, young knight" I curtsy, showing my gratitude towards him.

Waah... He looks handsome. He seems to be around 11 to 12 years old. His short brown hair was dripping wet from the rain, increasing his appearance. Moreover, those gray eyes are looking at me with a gentle look.

I have a weakness for handsome and beautiful people. Anyone would.

"You're welcome" the young knight then left and heads out to help the victims.

Okay, it's time to stop fangirling and think about the situation right now. Unfortunately, my magic is officially classified as wind and earth magic. I couldn't use any magic other than that.

For now, let's disperse this rain now for it had done its job.

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