Chapter 5

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Collette's POV

Those five words were the best words I had ever heard. Words mean a lot of things, but they also don't. They sometimes lose their meaning or fade in to nothingness.

"Collette, your mother has cancer."

"Your point is........."

"Collette, we will be home in a few minutes. Please be nice yo your mother. She is dying after all."

I hung up. I didn't need to here the rest of that crap. She is dying. Like I said, best words ever! I mean, I love my mom, but she is such a bitch. I am soo glad she might be going. I will be sad, but not as sad as I am when she yells at me or something.

I just realized something. Colten didn't give me a present. I guess I will see what it is on Friday. Speaking of Colten, he just sent me a text: Are you still mad?

I respond with: No duh.

That's a shame. Wanna come over?

Who does he think he is? My response was: Can't. My mom has cancer.

Jeez, if you didn't want to hang out you could've just said so.

I am not kidding, Colten. She does and my dad told me to wait for them.

Okay. Whatever. Bye.



Collette's POV

I am sitting on the faux leather couch in the living room watching America's Next Top Model when they walk in. My mother looks like she has been crying, and my dad just looks tired. There are no words to describe my feelings, because I have none. My father stares at me like he's expecting me to say something. I don't. I get up and walk up the stairs to my room.

I can tell my father is angry by my actions, so I slam the door to make him even more mad. I turn on some Fall Out Boy, and text Colten again.

Hey. He answers in five seconds flat.

I thought your mom had cancer.

She does, but I don't want to talk to her. Or my dad, for that matter. Can I still come over.

Of course!

Be there soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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