chapter 12

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                   Zack's POV

While walking back I can feel the tension. I look around at my group trying to read everybody.kyle is walking with Sadie pointing at the different plants and insects. He gets excited about this kind of thing.

 I look at Jamie who looks tired or upset I can't really tell..when we get back Jamie just goes into her tent probably to read. I think it's cool that she likes reading so much. I myself love books, all kinds of different stories appeal to me.

I sit down in my chair looking through pictures we have taken throughout the trip. I reach the photo that was taken by kyle that night I met Jamie outside for a swim. I sit looking at it how I looked at her explained everything to me.

I sigh and slide to the picture before that. It was another picture but I was looking at the moon. I look closely as I realize Jamie is looking up but not at the moon.

" she is looking at you," Kyle whispers in my ear.

"Huh?" I say after I clam from the heart attack he just gave me.

 " she was looking at you that night more than the moon," he says simply as he sites on the chair next to mine. He looks at me probably trying to read my expression and smiles.

His smile is not one he usually gives. Does this one seem to have a hint of bitterness? No sadness.

"No." Is all I say. I know it sounded sad.

"yes. She is Zack. I know you like her, and she likes you." kyle says emotionless.

I sit there and look back at the photo she looked good in red. she looked good period. I take a breath in and out. I look back into Kyle's eyes

"I don't know what to do," I say finally coming to terms with what I was feeling.

" have you gave her any indication to tell her how you feel?" He asks. My face immediately heats up.

" what?" Kyle asks looking surprised at my body's reaction.

"hello!what?" He asks again.

"Y-yeah." It's all that comes out of my mouth.

"look I can't read you." I cut him off while rambling my words out in a fast manner.

"wekissedoutsidebythefirelastnight.idontknowwhattodo.itwasnicebutimeanweshouldnthave, right?" He sits staring at me shocked. I guess it took a minute to register.

" WHAT?!" he says still in a complete state of shock. I decide to shorten my answer and answer him more calmly.

" we kissed." I realize what I said looking down to my hands in my lap wondering if I made the right choice of telling him.

" what? you guys kissed?" he says a bit louder than I wanted. he seems upset and I can't think of why.

"Who kissed?" My sister says jumping over to us like a bunny.she is so nosy but I can't tell her the truth. at least I can't tell her yet. I will wait for Jamie to tell her.

" um, Zack and Joy," Kyle says covering for me. I look over to him while saying thank you with my expression of relief.

" Oh, really that's cool bub. she is a nice girl," she says to me with a smile. I can't believe she bought it. I think as relief floods through my body.

" Yeah, she is," I say blankly.i then begin to smile to myself thinking about the girl we were actually talking about.

" So, how did it go?" She asks me. my smile grows a bit more as I word my answer carefully.

"to be honest Sadie. I really enjoyed the last kiss I had."I tell her hoping she doesn't catch onto my specific wording.

"that's so cute." She says increasing my confidence to continue.

"yeah I loved it, to be honest, I wish I could do it all the time, it was just so perfect and, amazing," I say smiling into my lap where my phone lays.

-------------------------------------------- time skip-------------------------------------

That night we all gathered like we have the previous nights. It's nice too bad its the last night here.

"I'm so glad we came!" Sadie says while laying on Jamie's lap.

"me too!" I hear Jamie say quietly. she looks down at my sister in her lap and plays with her hair. a hint of a smile graced her beautiful lips.

"yeah it was fun." kyle says.

"I think we made great memories here and I hope to do it again," I say agreeing with them and looking into the fire.

"what was your favorite part?" Sadie asks looking at everyone. I smile thinking of my favorite part.

"swimming in the lake." kyle says enthusiastically.

"I like the car ride," I say thinking about our ride here .i thought about how we all laughed and how we bonded.

We all decide to pack some stuff for tomorrow so we can easily up and go. The only things left to pack were our clothes and truly has been amazing.

We all go inside our tents for the night. I lay there and just run over the events of our little vacation in my head.

"PST." I hear and I unzip my tent. I look up at the figure standing there and its kyle.

"hey, I need to talk to you." He says not giving me a chance at talking.

A/N: aNd I OoP. double update for your patience. enjoy!

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