Chapter 5 (Mom)

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(A/N:- hey guys! I know it's boring right now but soon it will be very interesting.)

Ember's POV:-
" Em you don't need to do this. I can handle him for 1 year ." Ash said after I told her everything.
" I know but i cant take risk. You are the only family I have, I can't leave you. And I can't trust dad, he can do anything. I have to keep my promise. " I said with my eyes glossy.
"So you will marry him?? Because of me." She said with her eyes watery.
" Yes. But that doesn't mean i will not try to find some solution "I said with a smile.
"And till engagement we have to keep up our act in front of Ace and Ryan. Maybe because of this our marriage can be cancelled. " I added.
" Alright " She said.
" And now I will go to meet mom and then I will head for the cafe " I said
" Don't worry everything will be fine " She said in a soft voice. I nodded at her and went to take a shower. She knows I don't go often to meet mom , I only go when I am in worry or when I am sad. I miss my mom but I don't have enough courage to meet her that's why I rarely meet her. After taking shower I wore my white tee shirt with black strips and light blue jeans (outfit on the top) with white converse. I also work in a cafe as a waitress because I need some job to cover the fact that I earn money from street fighting. I don't fight regularly, twice in a month or when I am stressed. I don't need money, I am already full. Mom gave us a lot of money and dad also sends us money every month but we don't use his money. In cafe no one knows that I am rich so I have to take a normal car. I took the keys and went . While driving I was thinking about my life. How it would have been if dad loved us, gave us time, played with us as every dad plays with their daughter. I stopped the engine and and came out of the car. It was pin drop silence. I slowly took steps and reached to my mom's grave. In the memory of Lily Johnson,(1982-2016) a lovely mother. I sat on my knees and kept the daisies I brought on the grave.
" Hi mom! It's been so long, it has been 3 years. I miss u each day mom, each day. You already know what's going on in our lives. I am fine, ash is also good. Just she has to handle me in school " I let out a chuckle " I don't want to marry Ace, mom I don't want. But for ash I have to.I promised you that I will always keep her safe and I will keep my promise. Everyone hates me in school and that doesn't matter to me but now I have to live with my hater. I hate him too. He is rude, arrogant, self obsessed, he doesn't give a fuck about others. Mom I wish you were here, I wish I could have saved you that day, I wish.. " By now tears were falling down and I was sobbing. " I was not a good daughter but I want to be a good sister, I couldn't save you but I will keep her safe. I know dad will not hurt her physically but emotionally he can. I will not risk ash's life. I will marry Ace for ash. " I wiped my tears " I have to go mom I will see you soon . I love you mom. Good bye " My eyes were watery. I kissed mom's grave and went back to the car and drove to the cafe.When I entered the cafe I felt someone burning holes but I was too occupied in my thoughts that i shrugged it off and continued my work. The work was usual, here no one hates me. At the cafe I don't act as no one from school comes here. It's very far from my school and it's not popular, they can also not find me. I live far from school so no one can interrupt me after school.At least here I can live a normal life.As soon as my head touched the pillow I was out faster than lightening.

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