Those Green Eye's

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Those Green Eyes

Chapter 1, Lila's point of view

I'm running from them, those monsters. How could they even do something like that to a human, let alone a 16 year old girl. Instead of being there I should have been at home, getting my drivers license, with my mom, dad, and older brother. But no, my dad messed up, he bet me in a contest, lost the contests, tried to hide me and keep me away but they kidnapped me anyways. My life screwed up then, with a little mistake my dad thought was harmless. But I mustn't remain in the past, if I do, I'll stop and get caught. They'll bring me back and escape will be obsolete.

I'm almost to the woods, if I just make it far enough in I can get off this dirt path and into the unrevealing trees. I can hear them, they're coming for me and they've brought the dogs with them. I can't go back. Just as I step through the border of the woods and they're land I trip over a tangled root and twist my ankle. I can't yell in pain and I can't stay here, I have to go on. But at this moment I can't even get up. They're coming closer, I hear them and they're pounding footsteps.

As I think they're almost upon me I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and is now pulling me to the trees. It is a man, I can tell from the impeccable strength. But he's not bringing me back to the house, he's bringing me to the woods. He must not be one of them but who is he and what is he going to do to me? The same type of terror washes over me that did four years ago when those men kidnapped me. But this time I don't know what will happen this is new.

Now the men's footsteps are right in front of the bush I've been pulled into. Even if I wanted to scream and get caught again I couldn't because his hand was tightly clamped on my mouth. They stopped right in front of us, my breathing caught in fear they would hear me. Everything started to slow, I felt like my mind was going to die.

"Dad, she's gone lets just go back to the house," the youngest of the group (who did most of the torture to me anymore) said. I know everyone's names there but I don't like to say them because I fear that if I do they'll no some how.

"Fine, but your brother is going to be in trouble it was on his watch she escaped. Now come on we have work to do," I cringed at the word "work" because I knew what he meant but I can't think of that, to many horrid memories.

"Come one me, we're leaving her," phew, I had made it and just in time. I was almost brought back and if that happened I would have died. A tear slipped down my cheek, I had really made it but now I can't help but feel but for the rest of them stuck in there. There was five and now there's only four.

The man who I forgot was there let go of me, and I slowly slipped away from his body. If it wasn't for him I would have not made it out of there, which brings me back to my ankle which is now fuming with pain. But I managed to turn around and see the young man-no young boy who could not be older that 17, who was now sitting.

"Thank you, who ever you are but I'll be going now," I tried to stand up but, the pain was to much and I collapsed. The boy put a hand on my shoulder and I hardly realized that I was crying.

"No, you'll come back with me while your ankle heals and I'll explain everything then," with out warning he picked me up and it looked like he was cradling me. His body felt nice and warm against me barley covered body. And what clothes I was wearing was tattered, ripped and very thin. I felt like I was going to freeze to death. Surely he wouldn't mind if I just snuggled up to him a little. "You comfy there," this made me jump a little and he chuckled.

"Sorry, I'm just really cold," I snuggled back up to him and soon found my self slipping into sleep. My dreams are never dreams though only memories.

"Lila sweetie you have to hide, I gambled you and now they're coming to take you from me," my eyes snapped open as I heard my dad talking to me. I'm only twelve but I know what my dad is talking about. Actually my dad thought that education in both streets and the mind is important.

It's no wonder that he's a retired college professor and he home schools all of us until we're in 9th grade. The reason being is so that we are as smart as college students but still can have socialization at our age with out having to worry. He make's sure we are never moved up grades. Yes this is a complicated system but we understand it. Once we are in 9th grade we move. So my brothers in 10th grade and he's 16 so we've already moved once and when I get into 9th grade we'll move again.

"Dad how could you have done something this stupid," I'm going frantic around my room trying to gather anything I can.

"I know it was stupid but I was drunk, you have to forgive me."

"NO! I don't have to forgive you," I stormed out of my bedroom and ran into the basement. There's a secret room that I can hide in.

Trapped in my little room I heard the booming voices from upstairs, then the footsteps that were searching everywhere. I pray they don't find me, they'll take me away like they did my cousin. Silent tears fell and I heard the footsteps on the stairs. God no, they can't find me. Then they stopped, the secret door creaked open and I saw the face of my kidnapper.

"Lila, run, don't let him get you," so I ran, I ran as far as I could run. As I made my way through the house I heard him chanting my name.

"Lila, Lila, Lila, wake up Lila," huh, why would he tell me to wake up, now I was shaking.

My eyes snapped open and I was brought back to reality. I could see the bright green eyes of that boy.

"Lila we're at my house."

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