My Annoying Friend [Day 9]

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September 16th, 2019

My day was okay, except for the fact that my least favorite teacher gave me a pop quiz. I know what you're thinking, OH! That's not that bad! Well. No. She made us write an essay + 2 paragraphs in response to 2 questions. In 30 mins. By HAND.

So yeaaaaah!

Driving home with my friend who I've known for years. We're basically siblings.

Me: Okay, so, we're talking about nicknames now, right?
PERSON: Uhh. Yeaaaah. I'm short boi.
Me: Okay. Well, I'm grass.
P: W0t?
M: Well, in French my name has an accent, so it sounds like grass. So. Yeaaaah.
P: *still confused* What's grass.
M: *sigh* Okay. Here. *points at grass*
P: You're pointing at a car ;w;
M: No, I'm pointing at GRASS.
P: That's a tree.
M: No, I'm talking about the small things?
P: OOOOH! A small tree -3-
P: Okay, that's concrete.
M: *loud noises of rage*
P: Wait. No. That's DIRT. AND MULCH.
P: Now look, THIS is grass. *points at where I've been pointing*
M: oKAy JuSt ShoO *yeets him out of car*



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