2. I AM NOT A TOY 2.

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I took him for a kind of buffoon. Now I see he is a devil.
-Iris Murdoch, The Green Knight

Chapter 2: I AM NOT A TOY
'They left you here to die, Zim. ' a voice behind me said. Startling me, as I quickly stand up and turn around to see...

Another irken that look like me? Or is it perhaps me? But there's something different about him, I mean me. Instead of having red ruby eyes and wearing dark pink irken uniform, he have bloody red eye's and black uniform with some pink in the sleeves that reminds me of my old uniform.

" Zim, people like them. Should be terminated. They didn't see our potential and only see our weakness. If they doesn't accept us at our worst then they doesn't deserve us at our best. " The other me said with pure rage and hatred on their eyes.

" You never appear on Zim's mind scape before. Why now? " Watching the Irken before me. A wide smirk tug on his face. He grab me by my shoulder, " Don't you get it, Zim? I am the old you. The old you who is thirsty of blood and war. And hungry for praise. That you seem has forgotten after you- us. Got send to foodcourtia. " The other me said with the look of hate in face. As I shiver at the old memory.

" You should have appear sooner. We could have taken over this filthy planet long ago!! And I won't be a laughing stock by those two tallest!!!" I shouted. Everything would be fine if the old me still stay in me. Everything will be like the old time. Only invading, get promotion and recognition by the other invaders. The other me shake me violently, " HAVEN'T YOU REALIZED IT YET, ZIM?! We are defective, our PAK is broken. With the PAK malfunctioning, we'll be unstable. Our personality will be split. But I glad that useless tin can shock us. That electrical bolt has finally fix something in the pathetic PAK system. " The other me explained.

" Hey!! Don't call Gir a useless tin can!! He is Zim's SIR unit. " " Being too long on earth has making you soft, Zim. We have to get our rightful status back and plot some revenge. Are you with me or not?" The other me said while stretch out his hand to me.

Maybe he is right. Maybe, being on earth for too long has making me soft. And there's more options to be offer than being someone else's toy.

I strect out my hand and take a hold of his hand to seal the offer. Earning a wide mischievous smirk from him. " Once an Invader, will always be an Invader. " He said in Irken. Making me nostalgia of my home planet.

I opened both of my eye's. To see that I am still in the healing tube. The liquid sure healed me better than the first aid kit. Looking at the glass screen, I could see the time on the screen. 02:15 PM. I aggressively smash the button on screen to drain all the pink liquid and pull off the wires from my body, as the glass screen slowly yet steadily slide opened. I head to my closet that mostly irken invader uniform. I grab an uniform and wear them.

I went to the lab. " Computer, where is Gir and Minimoose? Tell them to meet me at the Lab immediately. " I command in Irken. " Yes, Master Zim. " The computer response. That's odd, they didn't say it sarcastically like usual. The metal door slide open and revealing Gir in his costume and minimoose. " Hello mastaaaa!!!" The robot shouted at the sight of his master.

Standing in a military stance, I have realized that an Invader is not just status that can be give and taken. It's something you earn. And I already earn it after all the military training and hard work from my home planet.

" Zim will always be an Invader. And no one can stop Zim being one. Because I am Zim!!! And I will show them that an Invader never quit!!!" I said in irken. " Minimoose I want you to contact Invader Skoodge. Gir I'll be trusting you to gather all of my invention, and spare components to the research lab. Computer, you're in charge in the security system. All intruder must get ridden off. " I command in Irken earning " Yes, sir " from them.

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