!!!NOTICE!!!please read

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Note : the next chapter will  be published in a few hours!! Please read this because it's important for your reading experience on Wattpad!!

I noticed that a few things has happened during this few days. Other people often send link on the comment section of this story, and the link is a link to a porn website and some even to a link that isn't related to this fanfic.

If you see any link in the comment . And I didn't approve it nor reply to it. Then please, never ever click on it nor search that link . Just ignore it so that we all can stay comfortable while reading Wattpad , and wont get a chance to get virus nor a cyber crime from that suspicious link.

I'll try my best to supervise all of my fanfic to make sure that no one is sending a link that isn't related to this fanfic for my readers safety and comfortable experience while reading this fanfic. But sometimes I didn't notice it. So if you saw one, just ignore it.

To whoever that send a link on the comment section that isn't related to this fanfic and contain 18+. They'll be reported and then  get muted by me. Please don't promote that kind of site on my fanfic, I am trying to protect my underage readers ( and to my surprise a lot ).

- Qillians

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