Chapter 4 - the Ego planet

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In Ego's spaceship

"Hey, can I ask you a personal question?" Peter asked out of nowhere.

"No... No one has ever asked me a personal question" Mantis said, shocked by the question that was to be given.

"Your antennas. What are they for?" Peter asked while pointing at her antenna.

"Their purpose?" Mantis asked back.

"Yes. Quill and I have a bet" Drax told.

"Dude. You're not supposed to say that..." Peter complained.

"I say: if you are about to go through a doorway that is too low, your antennae will feel this, and keep you from being decapitated" Drax told.

"Right, and if it's anything other than specifically not being decapitated by a doorway, I win" Peter said after.

"They are not for feeling doorways!" Mantis raised her voice, making Drax groaned and the Quills laughed.

"You guys are unbelievable" (Y/N) said, making Peter laughed even more.

"I think they have something to do with my empathic abilities" Mantis continued.

"What are those?" Gamora asked, seemed to be interested too.

"If I touch someone, I can feel their feelings" Mantis told the group.

"You read minds?" (Y/N) asked, confused.

"No. Telepaths know thoughts. Empaths feel feelings, emotions. May I?" Mantis offered her hand to (Y/N).

"Sure.. " (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders as Mantis touched her forehand.

Mantis's antennas glow as everyone looked at her. Her eyes opened short after with a cute smile on her face.

"You feel... love!" Mantis told everyone.

(Y/N) was shocked by the answer. She began to make an excuse.

"Yeah, I guess I feel a general, unselfish love for just about everybody around me" (Y/N) told, hoping that everyone buying it.

"No. Romantic love.. " Mantis slowly said.

"No... no, I don't..." (Y/N) quickly denied, not wanting people to know her real feelings.

"For the cute dog! " Mantis yelled in happiness.

"No!" (Y/N) snatched her hand away from Mantis quickly.

"That is not-- Okay. That's..." (Y/N) stuttered.

"She just told everyone your deepest, darkest secret!" Drax laughs continues as (Y/N) burried her red face in her hands.

"Seriously?! You finally like someone,and it was supposed to be Rocket?!" Peter asked (Y/N), snickering.

(Y/N) looked at his dear brother, wanting to punch him so bad.

"Oh come on! Like you don't have feelings for Gamora! " she yelled, making Peter froze in shocked.

"N-no! " Peter denied.

"Dude, you obviously just stuttered! " (Y/N) told, making Drax laughed even more.

"Dude, come on! I think you're overreacting a little bit" Peter quickly said.

"You must be so embarrassed!" Drax said, laughing.

Drax starting to have a lack of air but still continue on laughing.

"Do me! Do me, do me!" Drax demanded Mantis.

Mantis reached for Drax and touched his skin. She starting to laugh as much as Drax does.

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