Chapter 10 - the defeated

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Sorry for the sooo late update! Exam is finished! Here the longest chapter that I could make out! Enjoy!

"The metal is too thick! For the bomb to work, we'd actually need to place it on Ego's core. And our fat butts ain't gonna fit through those tiny holes!" Rocket yelled.

The MEGA LASERS that were on the centre were blasting through the core of Ego's but it seem to not be doing anything. Everyone was panicking that Ayesha's crews were ready to shoot their ship down. It seem that it won't take long tho because of how out numbered they are. 

The hole that the lasers produced was too small for any of the Guardians or Yondu or Nebula to fit their fat asses in there. Well, except for one and you probably know who. (Y/N) then looking around in panick to find anything to fit in the hole and her eyes landed on the small creature, Baby Groot.

"Well.." (Y/N) said unsurely, the others attentions were on her then their eyes looked at where her eyes were looking at.

Rocket's eyes widened in pure fear and shocked.

"That's a terrible idea, princess" Rocket scoffed at (Y/N).

(Y/N) rubbed the back of her neck in nervousness and scared.

"Which is the only kind of idea we got left.." (Y/N) looked at Rocket with some unsure eyes on her some bruised face.

Rocket knew it wasn't the time but his heart was really fast at that time that he couldn't control his heavy breath. Instead of refuse or decline the most stupid idea he ever heard, he just sighed and looked down before nodding to the idea. He knew that they all going to e dead if Baby Groot mess this up.

Rocket carefully picked up Baby Groot before set him on his back and climbed off the ship and entered the hole that he created with those lasers earlier. 

"Unbelievable. 'Rocket do this, Rocket do that' " Rocket mumbled under his breaths before going deeper but soon stopped when he heard (Y/N) called out to him.

Rocket slipped and quickly got up and made his way out as fast as he could to see what (Y/N) need from him. It doesn't take long for Rocket to see (Y/N)'s beautiful face, made his heart skipped a beat and face flushed.

"Yea, princess?" Rocket called from afar.

(Y/N) closed her eyes for a moment before smiling softly and opened her eyes once again and looked at Rocket. It was kind of deja vu but, her hair was softly brushed through her bruised face as her eyes sparkled at the moment. The moment was stucked as if they were the only ones left in the world. The time just freeze in the moment, only the two was admiring each other's eyes.

"Just.. take care okay?" 

Are the only words that could make Rocket's ribs torn apart and attached once again before getting ribbed again. His heart exploded into pieces. His face was burning as a sun could. His breath was heavy as he just ran a whole one marathon through the whole world.

He then closed his eyes, sighed softly before looking back at the (H/C) girl that he have been crushing on with a smile on his face. 

"Sure do... princess..." 

Are the words that were needed to be heard before his 'princess' leave the core with the ship. The figure slowly faded away as they started their gears to fight the other crews. Rocket took a very deep breath before going back to inside the core with Baby Groot behind his back.

It took him a few minutes to get to the place that he an't fit anymore. He set Baby Groot on the ground before pulling out the bomb that was made by (Y/N) out of his sack. He smiled at the memory of how serious (Y/N) was when making the bomb. He felt himself blushing again.

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