After story - the (Y/N)'s dream

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So, I have two more after stories in my mind. Hope you guys will enjoy reading them!

It was a night time and everyone was sleeping peacefully on their comfy bed in Milano. Except for (Y/N). She got a night shift to do. Well, basically she offered since she couldn't really get enough sleep lately.

With Thanos kept playing in her dreams, she became more sleepier than usual. She couldn't get her 8 hours of sleep, because whenever she closes her eyes, Thanos will be in her sight and kept talking to her.

She took the first night shift because it was one of a reason why she doesn't want to talk to Thanos. Lately, he became more clingy than ususal which made her a little bit uncomfortable. And not like she liked it even.

"Ugh, I'm so tired..." she groaned before rubbing both of her eyes in sleepiness.

A loud and long yawn escapes her lips. Under of her eyes grew purple and blueish, her eyebags made her look very sleepless which the other Guardians took a huge notice at this but didn't say anything.

The look that (Y/N) had received actually did make herself a bit uncomfortable and sad. She knew that she probably need the help of others and to tell them the long secrets of hers between her and the big purple Titan. But she just shut her mouth, well, at least until she figured out who's the so-called the 'Avengers' and the 'Socerers of the Earth'.

She didn't know who was them but Thanos kept on repeating that she will one day meet them, which slowly got into her nerves lately. Whenever Thanos appeared in front of her face, she felt disgusted, annoyed and a little bit of awkward (since she already figured out what feelings he had towards the Terran).

Anotger long and deep yawned had been released out of her pair of lips. She felt her eyes began to grew droopy nad heavy, making it kind of hard for her to control her slumber.

"I think 5 minutes won't hurt.." she mumbled to herself.

Her eyes slowly close and her breath begna to grew calmer. She just hoped that she could finally sleep in peace without the appearence of the Titan, but of course, her wish wasn't fulfilled.

"(Y/N)! You came back!" the Thanos cheered.

She innerly heavy sighed before set a fakest smile she could be making. Turning her gaze to the walking giant figure, a wide grinned was formed on his face.

"Hey Thanos. Nice to see you again" she fakely greeted, trying so hard to held back her pukes.

Thanos stopped at his track, slightly shocked at the Terran who gladly greeted her. Usually, she wouldn't even looked at him. But today was different. Probably that she began to warm-up to him.

The Thanos continued his track to his company, sitting down beside her.

"I'm glad you're back" he said.

"Really? Why so?"

"Um... 'Cause it's kinda lonely in here.."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes when she heard the same excuse all over again.

"I am glad to be your company too"


"I hope we could be meeting face-to-face"


"I'm sure we would have a lot more of fun"

Lies. All of it was lies.

She looked at Thanos with such a wide grin on her lips. Thanos soon returned the sweet grin of his.

"I hope so too" Thanos replied.

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