After story - the blushing mess

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Hey guys! It's me again! With another 'After story' chapter. I don't even know you guys liked this book so much, it's unbelievable. But thanks again! Hope you guys like this chapter, I just got inspired.

Frozen 2 spoiler!!

"Rocket, babe, let's go. C'mon! We're going to be late if we started to walk for another hour!" (Y/N) called out to Rocket from the front door of the Milano.

Rocket who was still at the pit, was tying up a knapsack around his tiny waist which (Y/N) always find it adorable. His tiny waist was very unbareable to be squeezed into her small hands. It was just too cute and adorable. Like a girl who was at the age of 5, got a doll of shape of a  raccoon. If there's holiday that called as Halloween in space, obviously (Y/N) will be the little girl and Rocket be her fake doll.

"Coming princess!" he yelled back from the pit. With a sound of a click on his waist, his belt was all set and he's ready to go with the love of his life to the mall of Knowhere. Rocket turned around to see that Groot who is now a teen, continuosly played his game. Rocket rolled his eyes, annoyed by Groot who had been playing the same game for hours now. "Groot, c'mon. We don't want (Y/N) to wait  long in front of the Milano. That's rude how to treat a lady" Rocket scolded.

Groot took a glance away from his game and to Rocket who looked very unamused with Groot playing the numbing brain game for hours per day. Groot set his eyes back to the game before rolling his eyes to the sky.

"I am Groot" he rudely said it to Rocket.

Rocket grew impatient with the teen Groot. He is much worse than Baby Groot. Even tho Baby Groot was clearly annoying, but he was so much better when he's at that age. Maybe he became wiser at the process of turbing into young adult? Eh, who cares.

"What do you mean she is not your mother?" Rocket whispered yelled at Groot, not wanting (Y/N) to hear the argue.

Groot rolled his eyes at his oblivious dad.

"I am Groot" he replied.

"I know what you meant! Just.. let's go.." Rocket said softly, trying so hard not to kill the teen who kept on playing the numbing brain game.

Groot clearly annoyed that he had to follow Rocket to wherever he had to go. As a teen, you must understand that you are WAY to lazy to go outing with your parents. (sorry to who loves them) As a teen, you need time for yourself and not going out on daylight. It was torchuring to be walking or exercising early in the morning. That's how Groot felt at the time. He hated to be dragging around by his father who was also a talking raccoon.

In the height of Groot, he could just squished his father with his large feet. But he can't do that. Why? Well.. 1) Rocket was his official Guardian, so he needs him to kept being alive. 2) It's illegal. And 3) Even tho he hated him at times, but he will always being loved by him in heart, so he couldn't kill him just because he hated going out of his room.

Without another word, Groot stood up from the chair that he has been sitting on since early morning, walked towards Rocket who have been waiting for him. Groot didn't even look where he was going, just kept on playing the game that he liked. Seriously.... What's the best thing about that moving picture in a box anyway?

Slowly, they walked to the entrance of the Milano. From afar, they could see (Y/N) been standing there patiently, waiting for two of her favourite persons.

"Hey princess, sorry that we took so long back there. You must been so tired of standing, waiting for us" Rocket apologised, which still was a shock to Groot.

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