First kiss

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A/n hello, next is moving in together


I was hanging out with my new boyfriend vine.
We haven't kissed or done anything more than hug.
So I'm going to change that.

I went in to his office, and wrapped my arms around him.

He then turned around, we looked at each other for a minute or two and I leaned in and kissed him.

"Wow" he says,

"Heh yeah" he then stands up and kisses me again.

Homicidal Liu

I was with Liu out the roller skating rink, he had make up on so no one seen his scars.

I was not the best at roller skating so I ended up falling on Liu, Liu then supporting my weight lifted me up and gave me a kiss.

The best night ever

Ticci toby

Toby and i were laying down on my bed, my head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me.

"Hey y/n look up" toby says.

I look up as I feel his lips on mine.

"You're a dork" I say giggling.

Jason the toymaker

I was with Jason, he wanted my help fixing a broken toy.

I go in and everything seems to be in shape.

But he keeps saying "there is something that needs to be fixed or I'll just die"

"Ok what I broken?" I ask.

He just pins me to the wall and kisses my lips.

"Nothing now."

Eyeless jack

We were at my new apartment, jack was helping me move in.

After we got down he got a Stern look on his face. I tense up

"What's the matter jack?" I ask a little nervous.

"I did all this for you and you haven't offered me one kiss" he say, his face forming a cute but creepy smile.

"Heh come here you dork"
I say kissing his chapped lips.

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