Doll maker {smut}

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I'm making the CP boys top unless you guys want Toby or Liu as bottom.
(Even tho I think liu is a top)

And if you want girl x girl smut or boy x boy smut. I got two books for that.


Y/n p.o.v

I breath out as I twiddle with my fingers. Vine had his arms wrapped around me and his hand was on my thigh.

I look at him with red cheeks, as he gets a smirk on his stitched up face.

"Mm, y/n" vine said, in his soothing voice. His hand rubbing my thigh, up and down.

I moaned as his fingers swiped over my tip.

"Can I ?" He asks, I get flustered but nod. His hand slipping into my pants and began to jerk me off. His hand going up my pulsing member, in a slow pace. But I felt my end cum close as his patterns were getting faster and faster. My stomach throbbed as I came in his hand.

" I-im sorry" I look away, as he kisses my neck.

"Mmm, i don't mind at all, now how about you go for a ride." He says, lieing back on the couch.

I nod as I pull down his trousers amd boxers and his never sprang out to say hello. I look at him, he had his lip bit and an arm tucked behind his neck so he can look directly at me.

I give the tip a kitten lick then I start to take big broad strokes wirh my tongue. I then take my free hand and massage his base, and balls.

"Ah, fuck y/n you're so good" he pants out.

I smile as I suck on a little of his dick, taking inch by inch until u got his whole length in my mouth. He grips my hair and pushes me down as I feel him on rhe back of my throat. Soon after my repeatedly bobbing my head and licking he came in my mouth; and i swallowed it all. The bitter sweet taste that won't go away.

He then pulls me up and sits my on him after putting lube on me.

His cock going in my ass inch my inch. It hurt alot, so it meant alot that he didn't thrust in.

"Ah, v-v-vine," I moan out, feeling sweat come onto ny forehead.

"Mm, baby you're so tight" he says, as i lean my head down on his chest. He then starts to thrust slowly and after it gets to where it feels good, I start to moan his name loudly.

"Vine, you're so big" i say,

He puts his hand on my back as he thrust into me. My hands laced in his long black hair.

Soon after I cum on his chest amd he comes inside of me.

We then fall next to each other.

"Was that good for you?" He asked, pulling me close.

"Yes, I'm sore though" i say, giving his lips a quick kiss

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