Eyeless jack {smut}

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The final boy

I giggle as jack and i are cuddling in bed. His arms wrapped around me, and my arms wrapped around his waist.

He kisses my head as he changes the station, trying to find something good to watch. But there was no luck. All the things he wanted to watch was off or almost off. And the other was talk shows and game shows, both I and jack dislike watching.

After some time, my hand finds it way into his shirt, feeling his rough, textured stomach.

"Y/n?" He asked, taking my hand off of him.

"Huh, jack?" I say, wondering why hes not letting me touch him.

"The lights on" he says, wiping some of the goo flowing from his eye sockets.

You see jack is very insecure about his body. He says all he ever does it eat, and eat, and eat.
He feels disgusted by his own body. When in reality he has hardly any stomach fat on him.
It is very sad, seeing him go without eating. Go with out having treats, and so and so.
But I need to get across to jack that he is so beautiful In every single way.

"Jack, please. I want to be able to admire your body, with out you getting insecure. I love you and your body. You are perfect in your body and mind." I say, kissing his cheek. .

He looks down, and rolls on top of me. Pinning my arms to the bed board, as he licks my neck all thr way up to my ear. Nibbling my ear as he rubs my nipples and stomach.

"Ah jack, mm, I need you" I moan, out.

He takes my pants off as he start rubbing me through my boxers.
Pre-cum, coming out of  my tip.
As my back arched from the pleasurable moment.

"Jack, i haven't done anything like this. Please be gentle" I say, biting my lip, and looking at him with pleading eyes.

He nods as he pulls down my boxers. He rubs me up and down as I get a strange feeling in my stomach. As if I'm nervous and suddenly very needy.

"Ah, jack" I moan out, putting a pillow over my face. The embarrassment was overwhelming me. As I felt as if I was going to cum. I take the pillow off after feeling something wet go over my member.

He was sucking me off! My head  flew back. With the not in my stomach about to expload.

I came in his mouth and he licks and swallows it all.

He kisses my stomach up to my neck. He then pushes in me, I feel alot of pain as his cock enters my ass slowly.

His breaths a bit faster, as my chest is pounding. It definitely hurt but I wait for it to get better.
And moments later it did.

I rock hips back and forth as he start to move in me.

"God you're so tight" he hisses through his closed teeth.

"Mm, ah jack!" I moan out, feeling that not forming feeling again.

After two hours of off again and on again sex. He and I come for the last time.

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