When you have a steamy make out.

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I breath out as vine held me down.

"Vine?" I ask, biting his neck.

He lets out a satisfied groan, as we connected our lips together.

He bites my lip as I gasp he then takes the chance to dash his tongue into my mouth.

I don't bother to fight back, as he explores my mouth.

He pulls away as a string of saliva hangs off of our tongues.

Homicidal Liu

Liu pushes me to the wall as he puts his large hands over my small ones.

"Mm, your so sexy my love"
Liu says, being only half there due to Sully.

"Ah," i moan out as he pushes his tongue in my mouth.

I decided to fight back as my tongue fights with his.

I end up losing due to Liu grabbing my ass, ans grinding against me.

Ticci Toby

I hold Toby on my lap as I grab and massage his ass.

Toby's moan filled the air as I lick his bottom lip for permission to explore the wet cave.

He obeyed and opened a gap in his mouth letting me explore his mouth.

It was along but smoothing make out session. To share.

Jason the toymaker

He grins as he puts me on his desk.

"J-jason what are you doing?" I ask, my face flushed.
He smirks, as he grinds against me.

My legs are on his shoulder, as he kisses me roughly. He then pulls me away for a moment and says,

"Are you ready to be so turned on without any touching yourself?"

I hide my face, as it was hot with embarrassment. He pulls my hands above my head as he slips his tongue into my mouth.

I moan into the kiss, as it was long. And it eventually lead to something else.

Eyeless jack

I sit on jack, as he rubs all over my shaking body.

I had never had the chance to kiss a boy, sense I live in a small town with to many homophobic people.

But jack wanted to kiss me and Mark his love bug.

"Mm, I'll be gentle love bug" he whispers in my ear. Giving my neck a nibble.

I hold onto his shoulders, as I feel his erection.

I moan as he kisses me, our lips connecting in a beautiful site to see.

His tongue swiping over my bottom lip. As I open he doesn't wait, and dashes in.

It was a beautiful site to see

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